Chapter 12

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Dylan's POV

Daniel and I left the art room and walked to the door of the music room.

Dy: on three we make a run for my room
Da: okay
Dy: 3...2..1 go!

We both swung open the door and sprinted to my room. Once we got to my room,  I shut and locked the door. We both fell to the floor laughing and out of breath.

Jack's POV

We all just saw Dylan and Daniel sprint out of the music room and into her bedroom covered in paint.

Jo: what. Was. That?
Ja: no clue bro
L: poor Daniel

Leah and Harper started to laugh

Z: what's so funny
H: let's just say Daniel passed Dylan's trust test and is now revealing her goofy side to him.
C: what no fair I'm funnier than Daniel I wanna be goofy
L: gotta pass the unknown test, buddy. I never took it since I'm her cousin. Ha ha!
H: I had to. It was so confusing at first.
Jo: well looks like us boys need to pass the test. Well... minus daniel

Zach's POV

I'm so angry. Daniel and her are laughing so loud you can here it through the walls. Why can't I pass the test. Why can't I be where Daniel is. I'm so... so jealous. This girl is really taking a toll on me and im still young as well. What's going on?

Dylan's POV

I picked up my hairbrush and put on sunglasses. I pretended to do a really deep game show host voice and talk to Daniel.

Dy: congratulations mr Seavey. You have passed my trust test. Be prepared you're in for a wild ride. You get to see my goofy side.

Daniel responds back trying to imitate a game show host as well.

Da: well thank you very much ms. Rayland.
It's an honor.
Dy: why thank you kind servant
Da: heyyyy I wanted to be a minion
Dy: sorry Ali's the minion.
Da: no fair

Daniel and I started laughing again. This wasn't half that bad.

Dy: okay serious now
Da: alright
Dy: here's my varsity jacket you need to have it with you in order to come to the locker and pep talk me.

Da: okay. Can I try it on?
Dy: yeah it should fit you, it's huge on me.

Daniel tried it on and it fit him fine. It was large on me as I just mentioned, so I guess it's a perfect fit. I don't know.

Da: it fits
Dy: okay so we have two hours till game time I gotta stretch wanna join?
Da: sure

Daniel and I did my stretches. After that I had to change into my uniform so I made him exit.

Dy: I'll come get you when I finish changing

Daniel nodded his head and exited my bedroom.

Daniel's POV

I walked into the hallway and back into the room where everyone else was. They all looked at me weird.

Da: what?
Ja: who did what?
Jo: oh yeah. Wait. Whose jacket is that?
Da: oh it's Dylan's. It fits perfectly. She said I had to have it with me today in order to pep her.
L: cause Daniel's special
Z: how you going to do that if that stupid Grant dude is showing up
Da: oh yeah I forgot. I guess he can just pep Ali.
H: yeah....


Harper was cut off by a door shutting. Dylan ran in with a smile on her face. She ran right to Daniel and jumped on his back. Once he steadied himself, she leaned her head on his shoulder and he looked at her.

L: stay still this is an awesome pic
H: yessss
Dy: done yet??
H: yes
Dy: so what's up y'all

Daniels POV

Da: y'all? what happened to servant or minion

I asked confused. Dylan whispered in my ear that she doesn't trust the other boys yet. I responded with a nod of my head.

Dy: well I gotta head off with Daniel. See you guys there in an half an hour?
L: yeah we're gonna eat before we leave. Bye Dyl and dan.
Da: bye
Dy: giddy up horsie!!

I laughed at Dylan and picked up her volleyball bag. I walked outside to my car with her on my back. I let her down and she got in the passenger seat.

Dy: thanks again Daniel
Da: no problem

I smiled at her and turned on the radio. I hope she does well today.

Zach's POV

Seeing her happy with Daniel made me jealous and angry. I want to be her pep talker person. I want to have her on my back and carrying her out to the car. It's not fair. That's it I have to get her to trust me and be mine. WOAH ZACH CHILL. But I can't. YOU HAVE TO. I can't help it. I may only be 17 but I think I'm falling for Dylan. THAT CANNOT HAPPEN BRO. ITS ONLY GONNA CAUSE HEARTACHE. AND IT WILL MOST LIKELY BE YOUR FAULT.

My conscience is not my friend today I guess. But it was only the truth.

I can't wait to see Dylan play. My thoughts were interrupted by Leah saying lunch was ready. I sprung up from my seat on the couch, and raced into their kitchen. Lunch was grilled cheese... yum!

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now