Chapter 31

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Dylan's POV

It's been three days and today is my first official shoot. I was in a black skirt and a baggy red sweater. We were located at a bay in New York. I got to keep the outfit and photos again they came out really good. Corbyn and Daniel decided to stay in the hotel for a boys day so, Leah and Ashley drove me to the place today. They were in awe when they saw it. I just finished getting changed into the clothes I was wearing there and exited the dressing room.

(J: jordon)

J: Dylan?
Dy: yeah?
J: I was browsing the World Wide Web the other day and saw your face there. It was about you dating a member of a famous boy band called Why Don't We. I would love to get a few shots of you two together.
Dy: Jordon, I hate to burst your bubble but, we're not dating. Corbyn and Daniel are members of the band as well. Daniel is like my older brother and same goes for Corbyn.
J: I know that darling. I'm talking about the one who goes by the name Zach Herron.
Dy: Oh my. Your talking about the interview aren't you? I broke things off with him because of it. The way he described me made me hate myself. And if I hate myself, I can't love anyone else until I love my own self.
J: that is a very good way to look at things. He's with another girl who goes by April Jones?
Dy: I guess. All I know is her name's April. She just stares at me like she wants to harm me. It scares me to be honest. I don't know why she's doing that.

After I said that Jordon started dying of laughter.

Dy: what?
J: Little, little Dylan. The boy Zach probably still likes you. April can probably sense that and is trying to push you away.
Dy: But, but why? I told him to move on purposely so he doesn't like me anymore. Life's too hard.
J: You can't force someone to stop liking you, just like you can't force someone to like you. Anyways, good talk and I'm always here if you need to talk. You should be going, your friends are probably going to break something on set.
Dy: thank you!

I hugged Jordon and walked outside to see Leah and Ashley waiting in the car. I decided to ask them if they knew anything about April hating me.

Dy: hey guys?
L: yeah?
Dy: does April hate me?
A: yes

I smacked Ashley.

A: hey what was that for?
Dy: you're supposed to comfort me not tell me the truth ding dong!
A: well you deserve to know. She's jealous of you, since Zach loves you and not her.
Dy: he does not
L: does too
Dy: does not
L: does too

The rest of the car ride consisted of us yelling at one another and arguing over the topic.

When we arrived back at the house we heard arguing. I put my bag down by the stairs and walked into the kitchen. I didn't see anyone there so I went to the living room. There was the five boys, April, Harper, Lilly and Rachel sitting there. Lilly, Harper, Rachel, Jack, Jonah, Corbyn and Daniel were sitting there quietly staring at Zach and April in awe. Zach and April were still arguing. Over what though?

Z: stop saying that!
Ap: why can't you just admit it? Huh? Coward!
Z: I am not a coward

I guess they didn't notice my presence so I saw a spot next to Daniel and sat next to him. He put his arm around my shoulder in a protective way and that scared me a little bit. I started whispering to him.

Dy: whats going on?
Da: nothing much, sitting here waiting for the three of you to get home and oh! Zach and April are fighting.
Dy: over what?
Da: you
Dy: sorry, what?!
Da: they're fighting over you.
Dy: why?
Da: Listen and you'll find out.

I turned my attention back to Zach and April. Leah and Ashley walked in and sat on the other couch where there was room for them. The arguing continued but this time I listened carefully.

Ap: stop lying to yourself!
Z: what am I lying about?
Ap: just admit you have feelings for her!
Z: I don't okay?! Get over it!

April paused and looked up. She looked around the room and once her eyes landed on me and Daniel she smirked.

Ap: oh look the wh*re has arrived!

Zach turned around and saw me. I hid my face into Daniel's chest. Why is she calling me that? Yes words like that hurt. Call me a wimp but I don't deserve those names.

Ap: why can't I? I'm just stating facts here.
Ap: you're a jerk Zach! Stop standing up for this girl! She's worthless. But, you just proved my point, you like... wait! Never mind, you love her. You never defended me the way you defend her. I'm out of here.

She than looked over at me and said-
Ap: this is not over! I'm so ruining your life! Have a good one, while it lasts!

And with that April stormed out of the house. Now I'm worried. I didn't even realize I was crying until I felt Daniel wipe my tears away with his thumb. Daniel pulled me into a hug and rubbed soothing circles on my back telling me he won't let her get to me ever. I looked up and saw Zach's eyes filled with anger but when we made eye contact, his eyes softened.

The rest of the day I couldn't get out of my bad mood. Did Zach really love me? Did she really want to ruin my life? Why me out of all people? Why is it so big of a deal if Zach likes or loves me? Do I like or love him back? I think so? These thoughts kept running through my head until I fell asleep on the couch ignoring the people around me.

Zach's POV

I can't believe this happened! Dylan is so upset because of what April said. Is April really going to ruin Dylan's life just because I couldn't stop loving her? And yes, I admit it to myself now. I Zachary Dean Herron love Dylan Rose Rayland.

I noticed Dylan fell asleep on the couch so I picked her up bridal style and carried her up the stairs into her room. She had a rough day because of me. It's the least I could do. She stirred in her sleep a little while I was walking up the stairs. She started to open her eyes.

Z: shh Dyl go back to sleep, I got you.

She went back to sleep as I walked into her room. I put her down on her bed and put the covers over her. I was pretty sure she was asleep so I did one of those cliche moments and kissed her forehead. I saw that she smiled and that made me smile. I hope she doesn't know, but if she does, maybe just maybe, she'll come around and we can finally be together.

Dylan's POV

I felt someone pick me up and start walking up the stairs. I felt very comfortable in their arms so I figured it was Daniel. I started to open my eyes until I heard Zach's voice telling me to go back to sleep. I went back to sleep and felt safe in his arms. Once he put me down on my bed and put the covers on me I frowned. I really liked when he held me. Unexpectedly, he kissed my head and I smiled. Not sure if he noticed though. I really like him. Yes, I admit it. I never lost my feelings for him it's just that being with him was difficult. Seeing the scene with April earlier proved to me that he truly cared and means good. I guess if he's willing to I will give him a chance. Maybe it will work?

Authors Note:

HAPPY SATURDAYYYYYY!!! So a little dramatic, sorry. But there's more to come and this is just the beginning of the drama!

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now