Chapter 2

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Dylan's POV

It is now the day of the concert. I am dreading every single minute of getting ready. Don't get me wrong, their music isn't bad. I'm not a fan of public attention. On the other hand, Leah and Harper keep talking about Why Don't We. It got so annoying to the point that I had to plug my headphones in and listen to my fav artist of all time....ED SHEERAN! What? Basic? Maybe, but you have to admit his music is amazing.

10 horrid minutes later...


I unplugged my headphones and screamed.

D: i will, chill

Since Leah is the oldest she already has her drivers license and is bringing us to six flags. Me being my boring self, I wore black nike running shorts and a white t-shirt.

After the 40 minute drive we make it to the amusement park. We went through security and are now heading to the stage.

D: hey where are we sitting?
H: oh honey, we aren't sitting. we are in the mosh pit. The concert doesn't start until another six hours I wanted to be in the front so we got here SUPER early
D: seriously? I could've had a date with my bed. You are the definition of obsessed. I'm leaving to sit down.

5 1/2 boring hours later.....

I got really hungry and am tired of all the girls around me talking about Why Don't We (once again no offense. I'm just not a fan of people), so I decided to go to the concession stand. When I arrived there, I ordered my food and went to sit down. It was really cold outside and I was freezing. I guess the person next to me could tell since they offered me their sweatshirt.

?: you seem cold
D: Nice one captain obvious.
?: well why didn't you bring a sweatshirt?
D: hmmm let me think, my idiot best friend and my idiot cousin decided to not tell me we were gonna be here this late. They wanted me to attend to a stupid Why Don't We concert. We got here at 12. I repeat 12. I am starving and freezing, but enough about me. What brings you here.
?: well hello there beauty, my name is Zach Herron from Why Don't We
D: Hahahaha nice joke
Z: not joking, here you look cold take my sweatshirt

I was so cold I had to take it even though I didn't want to.

D: thanks, but no offense I'm not a fan so don't expect me to freak out on you

Surprisingly I wasn't shy around Zach like I normally would be for other people. He just seemed so easy to talk to. He is a kind of flirt so I truly want to see how cheeky he is going to get.

Z: noted. is there anything I can do to know your name
D: yes, (I took a long shot with this. He probably doesn't care about my name so I tested him and asked him for a huge favor) call my cousin Leah Monroe and my best friend Harper Smith on stage and than come find me and I'll tell you my name... oh and by the way, I am not a beauty. More like a Voldemort, if I can even look THAT good. 
Z: done. And whatever you say princess.

After talking with Zach for a while he had to go back stage to get ready to perform. I headed back to my cousin and best friend. When I arrived they looked right at me with wide eyes.

H: Dylan where did you get that sweatshirt?

I looked down and realized I still had on Zach's sweatshirt

L: yeah where'd you get it? It looks exactly like Zach's.

I was rendered speechless. Do I tell them that it's his or not? I decided to tell them in a low voice so no other wacky fan girl attacks me. Once again, no offense. I'm not a people person.

D: um guys, that's because it is his sweatshirt

They both bursted out laughing

H: THATS funny! you despise them. how did you get zach's sweatshirt?
D: i was at the concession stand and he saw I was cold and gave it to me and we talked
L: ha ha April fools passed Dylan

I was thinking to myself, ' you idiots I actually did meet THE ZACH HERRON. One of your guys' idols.

Authors Note:

Trust me I know this is bad. I gets better. I was writing this fast. Vote vote vote!!

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now