Chapter 11

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Dylan's POV

I'm super nervous about today's game. I'm not doing anything, but listening to Ed Sheeran. I can't possibly play. I'm a nervous wreck and I can't calm down. I haven't left my room to see Leah or Harper for help since the boys and them decided to have a sleepover, since it's their last time on the east coast for a while.

After waiting a while, I couldn't take it anymore. I opened my door and made a run for it. I went straight out to my art room. I probably forgot to mention that I had one. It's all the way on the other end of the house. And up in the attic. I ran as fast as I could so Leah, Harper and the five boys didn't notice me. I had to go to plan b.

Daniel's POV

We were all talking and playing truth or dare when I heard a door open. I turned around and saw Dylan run so fast past us that there was a huge gust of wind. I could tell she wasn't herself. I followed her with my eyes and saw her enter the music room as Leah and Harper described it. I got up and followed Dylan in suit.

When I walked in and shut the door she was no where to be seen. I looked all over. I couldn't find her. For some reason I decided to look up. I saw a hidden hatch. Up there she was. I stepped up the ladder and entered the secret room. She was playing One Direction. Secret directioner yeah? Anyways, she seemed so freaked out I walked up to her and said her name she jumped ten feet in the air and turned off the music.

Dylan's POV

I went straight up to the art room. Ed Sheeran wasn't working. I was never this nervous before. I went to plan b. I got out my phone and plugged it in to my speaker. You couldn't here the music from here due to it being so far from the room where everybody was. I started dancing around and getting out my paint. I wasn't paying attention to anything behind me until I heard someone say my name. I jumped almost ten feet in the air. I was pouring paint at the moment so it went flying all over the ceiling , the person behind me and myself. I also screamed. I turned around to see Daniel.

Dy: how'd you get up here
Da: wow. no sorry for getting you covered in paint
Dy: oops sorry. But seriously how'd you find me?
Da: I saw you run out of your room and followed you. You seemed off so I wanted to make sure your okay.
Dy: did anyone else see me? This is supposed to be my place of sanity.

Daniel let out a small laugh

Da: I guess it's now our place and no one else saw you, just me.

I let out a huge sigh of relief. That would've been bad if people knew about this place.

Dy: yeah I guess and thank goodness.
Da: want to talk about it?

I was very hesitant at first. I barely knew Daniel. Do I tell him about my problems or block him out. Harper and Leah wouldn't really understand so I decided to tell him. He has to care since he came running after me, when he didn't have to at all.

Dy: yeah... I guess

I kept my head down the whole time. I couldn't let him see me as a mess. I'm supposed to be the strong one.

Da: okay what happened? It's okay Dyl you can talk to me.

Dy: i..I.. i don't know. I'm just so nervous. I don't know what's wrong with me. I've never been so nervous and scared about a game before.

A tear slipped out of my eye. Daniel wiped it away with his thumb and hugged me.

Da: it's okay. You can cry I'm here.

Daniel's POV

Da: it's okay. You can cry I'm here.

I felt so bad for Dylan. I had no idea how to help her. She is like my baby sister. Even though I don't know her that well, I don't want to see her cry at all. I wiped away her tears and hugged her. I rubbed soothing circles on her back and she just broke down crying. This was no way, about the game. There was something else. I have to figure out a way to make her feel better.

Zach's POV

Daniel took off after Dylan. Was something going on between them? I'll admit I'm jealous. I like Dylan. She's cool. No. She's amazing. I'm not good with describing how I feel about her. Hopefully they aren't a thing. I want to try to talk to Dylan but she just won't let me in. She trusts this Grant dude. What's he got that I don't? I seriously don't like him one bit. He is shady. Hopefully he doesn't do or say anything bad about Dylan behind her back.

Dylan's POV

Daniel is being so nice to me and all I've done is shut him and the boys out. I have to be honest he is like the older brother I've always wanted. I sat there crying on Daniel's shoulder for about five more minutes. He really helped me. I want him to be my pep talker for today's game. Normally it's Grant for both Ali and I, but he's still in Florida till next week. I'm going to ask Daniel to do it for me.

Dy: Daniel?
Da: yeah?
Dy: before each volleyball game each player is allowed to have a person from their family or friends to come pep talk them. Since Grant normally pep talks Ali and I and he is not here, would you mind doing it for me?
Da: of course. I'd be honored to Dyl. Now let's clean ourselves up and get you ready for the game!
Dy: Okie dokie....
Da: artichokieee

We both burst into laughter. He caught on to my weirdness. Daniel is definitely someone I can trust. I am comfortable around him so now he gets to see my goofy side. Let's see if he likes it.

Authors note:

Yes I know this chapter is absolute crap. I couldn't find the right words for it. I'm sorry if it seems so stupid.

Run (Why Don't We fan fic) Zach HerronWhere stories live. Discover now