Scene 32 - The Reunion-eth

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Carter is hiding in the bushes, watching Mel and Jamie.

Mel: I can’t believe Patrick was a girl.

Jamie: I know. He was my best friend.

Mel: And you never suspected him of being a girl?

Jamie: Well, I guess the times he suggested we go back to his house and he had a pink bed could have been a give-away.

Mel: Really? (sarcastically)

Jamie: Yeah,  Or maybe that time he suggested I take off my shirt... Or maybe that time he stroked my arm suggestively...

Mel: (Sarcastically) Yeah, maybe they could have been give-aways.

Jamie: Yeah. Maybe it was that time he suggested we play seven minutes in heaven when there was only the two of us...

Mel: (sarcastically) I can totally see how you thought that that was completely a heterosexual guy act.

Jamie: Well, he was my bestfriend... I thought it was totally acceptable.

Mel: Did you play seven minutes in heaven with him?

Jamie: Um... Maybe...[LO1] 

Mel: Jamie!

Jamie: It didn’t feel right...

Mel: Jamie?

Jamie: I swear it didn’t!

Mel: Riiiight.

Rustling in the bushes

Jamie: Shhh! I can hear something!

Mel: You’re just trying to change the topic!

Jamie: No, for real bro!

Mel: What? I’m not a bro! Oh my Gosh! How dare you –

Jamie: Oh for Pete’s sake woman, shut the hell up!

Mel: That’s better.

Jamie: Show yourself, fiend!

Mel: Uh...No one talks like that anymore...

Carter: Behold, my friend, for it is I, Carter!

Mel: What the...

Jamie: Carter, my dear friend and companion! I am sincerely apologetic for all the times that I have wronged thee!

Mel: Oh My Gawd.

Carter: And I forgiveth thy for all that thy hath done.

Jamie: And for that, brother, I am truly thankyful.

Mel: Yo Dawg, what crazy language are you talkin’?

Carter: Brother, let us rejoice, as we repent our sins, and forgiveth each other.

Jamie: Yes, let us

Mel: What crazy shizz you guyz be on?

Carter: We be on nothing, my dear lady.

Mel: Wow.

Jamie: but, do tell Brother, what hath befallen you since we last met? What hath turned you into-eth a cyborg. Eth.

Carter: a professor hath resurrected me, and demanded I accompany thee, and helpeth thee with the saviour of-eth our world-eth.

Mel: Wow.

Jamie: ah. Brother, I hope he hath not harmed thee.

Carter: Nay, he did nought of the sort. He was kind, if but a bit off his rocker.

Jamie: Aye, that he was, brother. I do believe-eth we spoke-eth with him.

Carter: Aye. Brother, where art thou Patrick.

Mel: Patrick be a girl.

Carter: HOLY HELL. I did not see that happening.

Mel: Neither did we.

Carter: But Jamie, he was your best friend, how could you not notice??

Jamie: Well, umm, I don’t know, he hid it really well...

Mel: (Sarcastically) Sure.

Jamie: Let’s just get out of here, okay?

Group exit, followed at a distance by the Evil Professor.

 [LO1]Insert flashback here or not?

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