Scene 1 - the scene where they come up with the WORST idea ever

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Producer and Assistant sitting in Producer’s office

Producer: Oh man. What if we, like, combine, like, 2 singers? Yeah. Wouldn’t that be nice? Hey, I wonder, like, what’s that, like, called? (exhales deeply)

Assistant: A duet, sir.

Producer: Oh man, I, like, like that word. Yeah man. We should get some singers to perform a duet. Like, who should we get?

Assistant: Well, we could always get together some of the older artists sir.

Producer: Nah, like, we need, like, young people. Like, that girl everyone likes. Julia? Jessica? What’s her name? Sings a song that, like, goes, like this, (imitates high pitched girls voice) Baby, Baby, ooh!

Assistant: You mean Justin Bieber sir?

Producer: Yeah! Justina Bieber!

Assistant: (sighs) And who would he sing with, sir?

Producer: Who’s that crazy chick? Thinks she can sing?

Assistant: Lady Gaga, sir?

Producer: Nah, not that psycho. The other weird one. Like, all the kids like her, even though she’s total garbage.

Assistant: that would be Nicki Minaj sir.

Producer: Yeah! Her!

Assistant: Are you sure that’s wise?

Producer: Yeah! Justina and Nicki will love it, man! It’ll be groovy!

Assistant: (muttering) No one says groovy anymore.

Producer: It can be like, a cover of Thriller! Yeah! Oh man, that used to be, like, my favourite!

Assistant: (muttering) then why are you ruining it?

Producer: Yeah! It can be a duet!

Assistant: (muttering still) It’ll cause an apocalypse



So hey! This isn't so great, but it's my first attempt at a script ever, and also, i get that wattpad is a story site and that this ISN'T a story, but, oh well. Oh, and any ideas are appreciated :)

oh, and when I originally started writing this, I had intended the Producer to be high, but I didn't write that in because my littlest sister was going to make an appearance in the film, and I didn't want her to be exposed to that. But that's why the Producer is as he is.

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