Scene 12 - zombie battle

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Zombies are attacking the group’s camp, and the gang are fighting furiously. Down the bottom of the screen are pokemon command boxes

Jack: Oh no! Zombies used brain attack!

Half eaten brains fly across the space between zombies and the gang

Peter: Mary used grenade launcher!

Mary blasts her ridiculously fake and oversized grenade launcher at the zombies

Carl: It’s super effective!

Jack: zombies used shuffle attack!

Zombies shuffle forwards slowly.

Mary: Carl used AK-47

Carl sprays the zombies with bullets

Jack: It’s super effective!

Mary: Zombies used hunger attack!

Zombies shuffle forward, their bellies rumbling.

Peter: It’s super ineffective!

Carl: Jack used killing attack!

Jack kills several zombies

Carl: It’s super effective!

Mary: Peter used apple attack!

Jack: Apple attack?

Peter: Apple attack.

Peter throws an apple at them. It explodes, and all the zombies die.

Jack: It’s super effective!

Peter: We won!

Mary: Level up!


My friend suggested this idea. We needed to have a battle scene between the kids and the zombies, and he suggested pokemon themed. It's not very good, I was going off of smosh's pokemon in real life videos that i watched a few months ago, so my apologies for the rough edges.

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