Scene does anyone really care what number we're up to? Ok, so it's number 14

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The group are hiding in bushes, looking at an almost identical group.

Mary: Oh my...

Peter: I know...

Jack: Wow.

Carl: They look-

Mary: Exactly like us.

Jack: Huh, what? No they don’t

Peter: Where do you get that idea from?

Mary: What? You don’t think they look like us?

Jack: Hell no, woman. I mean, just look at that guy! (points to a guy identical to him) He has blond hair!

Mary: Yeah, but-

Peter: Seriously Mary, what stuff have you been smoking?

Mary: I just think, aside from the hair, they all look like us.

Carl: I beg to differ

Jack: Sorry Mary, but they look nothing like us.

Mary: Fine then.

Carl: We should go to talk to them. They’re clearly not Bieber fans, and they’re not zombies, so we should join forces.

Mary: small can be good sometimes.

Jack: Not in a full on zombie apocalypse Mary! Seriously, what the hell have you been smoking??

Peter: C’mon, let’s go introduce ourselves!

Peter stands up and walks into the second group’s line of sight.

Peter: Hi! I’m Peter!

Second group all turn their guns on him

Peter: Woah! I’m not a zombie!

Jamie (Jack’s doppelgänger): Yes, but are you a fan of Justin Bieber?

Peter: Hell no!

Jamie: Nikki Minaj?

Peter: no again!

Jamie: Ke$ha?

Peter: No!

Jamie: Brittany Spears?

Peter: No!

Jamie: Katy Perry?

Peter: Well, Katy Perry is kind of hot...

Jamie shoots Peter, killing him instantly. Jack, Mary and Carl jump up out of their hiding spot.

Jack: What did you do that for?

Jamie: He liked Katy Perry. (Everyone shrugs in understanding)

Mel (Mary’s doppelgänger): So who are you?

Mary: I’m Mary, this is Jack and Carl. We’re just trying to survive the apocalypse.

Carl: Uh, and we’re thinking of helping the zombies get to Nikki Minaj and Justin Bieber.

Carter (Carl’s doppelgänger): Why?

Carl: Well, it’s simple really. We know the zombies arrived the day Justin Bieber and Nikki Minaj started filming the cover of Thriller in the graveyard the first zombies originated. Footage recovered from the first zombies rising show the lead zombie proclaiming their thirst for the blood of Nikki Minaj and Justin Bieber as punishment for the two attempting to make music. So, it makes sense that the zombies will disappear once the threat is eliminated. So, if we help them, the sooner the zombies will go away.

Mary:Wow. How did you know that?

Carl: I made an educated guess.

Mary: When did you see the recovered footage?

Carl: It’s up on youtube, and I got onto the wifi at McCafe and saw it in the ads while looking at that video of the drunken squirrel climbing up the tree.

Patrick (Peter’s double): That was a pretty funny video.

Carl: I know, right?

Jamie: I like this kid. He can stay. He seems smart.

Mary: What do you mean he can stay?

Jamie: He can join our group.

Carl: Oh boy, can I?

Jamie: Yes. I wouldn’t be offering it to you if you couldn’t...

Carl: What about these guys?

Mel: We really ought to join forces Jamie...

Carl: Yeah Jack, strength in numbers, remember?

Jack: This is true.

Jamie: We can become a big group.

Jack: Sounds good!

Random Narrator’s voice: And so the two groups joined  forces, and set off to catch them all.

Group walk off into the sunset, leaving Peter’s dead body lying on the ground.


So in this scene I've introduced a few new characters, that are all doubles of the original, still all alive group. It's whacked, I know, but eh. ANYWAYS, going to write in another dance number, comment a song, and I'll pick the one I like (plus, this way, I can see if anyone gives a flip about this and actually reads it). And whoever's song I pick, i will dedicate the next scene to them. 

Enjoy ;)

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