Scene 15 - the end of Laura

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Group are fighting off fan-girls.

Patrick: We’re outnumbered!

Carter: How did we even get into this situation?


Group are driving in a ute, singing along to Bohemian Rhapsody, when suddenly, it ends.

Jack: What happened?

Mel: I don’t know, it just ended.

Jamie: How could it have just ended.

Mary: Look up ahead. I think there are fan-girls interfering with the signal.

Patrick: Are they even smart enough to do that?

Carter: I don’t think they are.

Laura: Maybe they’re holding geeks hostage?

Carl: I don’t think they’re smart enough to think of that...

Suddenly a Justin Bieber song starts playing on the radio.

Jack: Make it stop!

Carl: My ears!

Laura: I can’t believe they call this music!

Carter: We need to stop this horror!

Jamie: (jumps to his feet, brandishing his gun) Lads, we must fight. What I’m asking of you is much, but we must fight, for all that is good, and for music. Fight, even if it may mean a fight to the death!

Jack: aye! A fight to the death, wait, what?

Jamie: You heard me! Risk your lives to defend all that is sacred, and by that I mean music!

-end of flashback-

Group are fighting the fan-girls.

Jack: There’s too many!

Mel: We need to fight them a different way!

Mary: I don’t want to die!

Laura: Patrick! Pass me your iPod!

Patrick: Why?

Laura: Just do it!

Patrick: (throws Laurie his iPod) What are you doing?

Laura: Just watch! Carter, cover me! (Unplugs Patrick’s head phones, and starts blasting ‘We built this city!)

Fan-girls: (all stumble, and clutch at their ears, before renewing their attack)

Carl: We need something stronger!

Laura switches the song to ‘I was made for loving you’ by KISS. Some of the fan-girls break down and die/cry.

Fan-Girl 1: What is this? It sounds like real music!

Carter: It’s still not strong enough!

Laura: Everyone, get away, I’ll hold them off with real music for as long as I can.

The group starts running away.

Patrick: But Laura, we need you!

Laura: Just do it!

Carter: C’mon Patrick! Laura knows what she’s doing! (Carter grabs Patrick’s arm, and drags him away.

Patrick: But Laura, I love you.

Carter: c’mon, let’s go!

Laura: Goodbye, Patrick.

Laura turns and faces the fan-girls, holds the iPod above her head, and plays ‘Another one bites the dust,’ as the fan-girls slowly engulf her, whilst the rest of the group runs away


Let me know what you think :) 

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