Scene 31 - Carter the Cyborg

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Dimly lit room, Carter on a steel slab, with the Evil professor working on his body, welding steel body parts to where the zombies had eaten them.

Evil Professor: laughing maniacally. My creation is almost complete.

Carter: Wah...What’s going on?

Evil Professor: Shut up. I’m currently welding your new arm on.

Carter: Woah. The afterlife sure is freaky.

Evil Professor: What do you mean, the afterlife?

Carter: I... I died

Evil Professor: Oh, that. Yeah. You died. But I brought you back to life so it’s all okay now.

Carter: You what? Wait, hang on. Why are attatching that to my arm? What’s up with my arm?! It’s all metal!

Evil Professor: You’re a cyborg now. So what?

Carter: Come again?

Evil Professor: (very slowly) You are a cyborg now. I brought you back to life. Lamington?

Carter: I’m right, thanks...

Evil Professor: Suit yourself.

Carter: Can I sit up now, please?

Evil Professor: Go for it. (Carter sits up slowly) Now. I have a job for you, my cyborg.

Carter: What is it and when did I become yours?

Evil Professor: I saved you, brought you back to life. You’re now under my control.

Carter: Okay...

Evil Professor: I need you to infiltrate your friends’ group. There’s something fishy about the boy.

Carter: How do you know about them? And they left me there to die!

Evil Professor: Details, details. Now, go do it. You wont regret it, trust me.

Carter: Okay. Fine. But I ought to get something out of this.

Evil Professor: You will. Trust me.


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