Scene 13 - The, oh, I don't have an interesting title to put up here scene.

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Group are huddled around the fire, talking over the fight.

Jack: Shh! I think I hear something!

Mary: What is it?

Carl, Peter, Jack: Shh!

Everyone falls silent. In the distance, voices can be heard.

Carl: Do you think it’s zombies?

Peter: Nah, they’re saying more than ‘bring us Justin bieber’ and ‘listen to queen’

Mary: Fan girls?

Peter: Nah, they’re saying something other than ‘Omigosh, Justin Bieber is saah hawt!’ and ‘Nicki Minaj is saah talented’

Jack: Other survivors?

Peter: I think so.

Carl: Let’s go meet them!

Jack: I think we should see what they’re up to, first.

Mary: Why?

Jack: In case they’re dangerous.

Peter: Loosen up Jack. They might have food.

Carl: Again with the food.

Jack: But what if they don’t like us? They could send us to the zombies!

Mary: He has a point.

Carl: Why would they do that?

Peter: Yeah, us survivors have got to stick together. Fight the zombies.

Jack: Fine. But if we get killed because of them, don’t say I didn’t warn you.

Carl: (muttering to himself) How can we say anything if we’re dead?

Peter: Let’s go check it out, they can’t be that far away.

Mary: Obviously not, if we can hear them.

An amateur zombie filmTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon