Forgiveness for Them

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We waited out in the lobby. 5 hours passed before someone came calling.

   " Is anyone here for F/n L/n?"

I stood up and walked to the doctor.

   " We are. "

   " Are any of you family?"  

   " I'm her boyfriend. "

   " Okay. She is lucky to be alive. If you called any later then I don't think she would have made it. We brought her in and started tubing food and water into her system. "

   " How is she now?"

   " Doing better than before. Her body is accepting the food and eating it instead of her fat cells. She is asleep though. She'll wake up in a few minutes though. When she does we are going to send someone to get food and bring it up to her to eat. "

   " Okay. Can we go see her?"

   " Yes, you may. "

I walked back to everyone and said we could go see her. We walked to the elevator and it started going to the second floor. Once the doors opened we rushed to the end of the hall. The door had a tag on it saying F/n L/n. I opened the door and walked inside. Her body was laying on the bed. I grabbed a chair and pulled it up to the bed. I sat in it. I waited for her to wake up. Everyone was behind me except for Garroth and Travis. They were standing beside me. I sat there for a few minutes until I saw her eyes flutter open.

( Your P.O.V. )

I walked towards the staircase, but it crumbled before me.

   " What..."

Then I started hearing voices around me.

   " She should wake up soon. We should tell her friends. "

   " Yes, let's tell them. They seemed to be really worried. "

Then I heard a door shut and open again. I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't budge. Then finally after what feels like an hour of trying they opened. I looked around and sat up. I felt a hand on my back as I sat up. I was in a hospital room? I thought I was in my room? My vision cleared more and I saw Their faces.

   " Guys?"

I felt someone hug me and I looked down and saw that it was Laurence who hugged me. He hugged me tightly. I hugged him back. I could feel his tears staining my clothes. He pulled away and looked at me with tears in his eyes.

   " Don't ever scare me like that ever again. "

   " I won't. "

   " You are not allowed to die on me. "

   " I know. "

He continued to hug me. Travis hugged me next.

   " You are not dying on us. "

   " I don't plan on dying. "

Then he pulled away and Garroth hugged me.

   " You are the only ' sister ' I've got. You can't leave. "

   " I know. I'm not going to leave. "

He squeezed me and let go. I saw everyone behind him. Aphmau and Katlyn were the first to step up.

   " Y/n we are so sorry. We didn't know. "

I nodded and opened up my one free arm. They came and hugged me. I hugged them back. When they pulled awya I looked at everyone.

   " I'm guessing these three gave yo all a lecture?" I said pointing to Travis, Garroth, and Laurence. 

They all nodded ' yes '. I nodded my head and looked every one of them in the eyes. Except for Zane. he had only one eye.

   " I forgive you all, but please learn from this. "

   " We will. " They all said.

I nodded and smiled at them. They came and hugged me. I hugged them back. When they all pulled away Laurence was still holding on to me.

   " Well, we are going to let you rest. Get better. " Zane said. 

I nodded and they all left. Laurence was the only one remaining. And he was still hugging me. I made him pull away and I held his face in my hands.

   " Laurence I'm fine. I promise. "

   " If you say so, but I'm staying the night here. "

   " I don't think you can. "

   " If I can't I'm still going to do it. "

   " Of course you will. " I said laughing a little bit.

I let go of his face. He leaned in and gave me a soft kiss. Then he pulled away and leaned his forehead on mine.

   " Can you blame me? I almost lost my girlfriend. "

    " It's fine with me. "

He smiled and nodded. I scooted over and he laid on the bed with me. He wrapped his arms around me and I snuggled into his chest taking in his warmth. Sleep came faster than I would have thought.

New Life (Laurence x Reader ) SequelOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz