Crying Tears of Joy

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I woke up that morning feeling good. I put my bathing suit on and started walking to the beach. When I got there I sat in the sand and closed my eyes. Feeling relaxed.

   " * sigh * "

I heard someone running and they were coming towards me. I opened my eyes and saw it was Travis. I tried to get up, but Travis tackled me in the sand.

   " Ha! Gotcha!"

I tried to struggle out, but he wouldn't let go. He sat up bringing me with him and he turned me around and hugged me. We just sat there and he was hugging me. I didn't know if I should hug back or not. I eventually closed my eyes and hugged him back. He hugged me tighter. Then when he pulled me away. He just stared at me.

   " What happened to you? It was like you disappeared from the face of the Earth."

   "I didn't want you to find me."

   " Well, you did a good job."

   " I didn't think you guys would want to see me again. So I thought that the best solution was to move."

   " W-WE heard the tape Y/n. We know what happened. We are all so so sorry. You don't know how depressed everyone was. Especially Laurence."

   " ... "

   " He wouldn't ever leave his room. Some days we would walk to your house and stay there for a week. It's still not bought yet you know."

   " I figured as much."

   " We are so sorry Y/n."

   " ... "

   " Can you forgive us?"

   " Travis.....I don't know."

He didn't say anything. He just stared at me. Then a smirk lay on his face.

   " You locked your heart up I see."

   " Of course. The only thing it brought me was grief. What else was I going to do?"

   " Well open up for a few hours. Everyone Misses you."

   " I don't know Travis."

   " Tell you what. If you want to leave and never see us again I'll let you."


   " And I'll buy you dinner."

   " Deal!"

We stood up and we walked towards a house. It looked a little similar to mine, but the inside looked very different. We walked in and no one was around.

   " Hey everyone come downstairs! I have a surprise!"

   " What is it now Travi-"

I saw Katlyn on the platform that leads to the other set of stairs. She looked at me like I was a ghost.

   " Y/n?"

I could feel the tears about to leave my eyes. She ran towards me and she hugged me. I hugged her and we both just sobbed holding each other. He sat on the floor crying. We pulled away.

   " I-I'm so sorry we did those things to you w-w-w-"

   " It's okay Katlyn."

   " No, it's not! We made you leave."

She hugged me again and I hugged her. I looked up at the stairs to see Aaron and Aphmau. Everyone was behind them. They all ran towards me and gave me a giant group hug. We all pulled away and they explained how they got my gifts. The only person I didn't see was Garroth.

   " Where's Garroth?"

   " He's sleeping," Aaron said

   " Go wake him up please."

He nodded and ran up the stairs. I heard a loud bang and saw Garroth run down the stairs. He stopped when his eyes found mine. tears started streaming down his face. I could see the necklace I got him around his neck.

 I could see the necklace I got him around his neck

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I held the charm that was around my neck. He ran towards me and hugged tightly. I hugged him back and we both cried into each other shoulders.

   " I missed you so much."

   " I missed you too. I never stopped thinking about you and where you were. It scared me to death thinking you were somewhere dangerous and I couldn't help you."

After that no more words were said, but tears were shed.

New Life (Laurence x Reader ) SequelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя