Swell Night

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   " Bye guys. I'll see you all tomorrow. "

   " Bye Y/n. " Omar waved.

   " Bye Musically. " Megan said.

   " See ya. "

Then the elevator doors shut. I traveled down to the first floor. Then I walked outside and called a taxi.

   " Where to miss?"

   " The Evergreen complex. "

   " Yes ma'me."

Then he started driving to the evergreen complex.  In the meantime, I stayed in my thoughts. I need to think about a place to live once I get home. Since I'm moving to Mystreet I need a place to stay. Especially since the street has been blown up. I'll have to stay here and wait to get a call from them. The Evergreen complex was now in sight. As the taxi driver pulled up to the front doors I stepped out and paid him. He drove off as I went inside.

   " Hi, DeAnn. "

   " Hello Mrs. L/n. Welcome back from your vacation. "

   " Thanks, DeAnn."

I walked into the elevator and pushed for floor 30. The elevator started going up. I looked through the clear elevator walls and looked around the city. It was beautiful at night. I heard a bing and a voice say.

   " You have reached floor 30. "

I turned around and the doors opened revealing my apartment. It was huge. Since this is the last floor there was an upstairs to my apartment. I walked over to my TV and turned it on. It showed the news.

   " Tonight the famous singer Musically has made it back home. After performing a concert at Love~Love Paradise the singer had a week to relax there. This time was ended shortly after. The manager, Guy, stated that she told him that she wanted to get to work on her new album for everyone. "

   " Yes she left half a week early to go back home and we were just informed that she has made it back safely. The singer is hard working isn't she?"

   " She certainly is. Here are some pictures a couple of fans took at the concert. "

Then pictures flashed on the screen of me performing at the concert. Then there were a few of me with some fans. They must have been from the fan meetups. I smiled at the pictures. I walked into my room and decided to retire for the night.

( Elsewhere )

   " She certainly is. Here are some pictures a couple of fans took at the concert "

The TV started showing everyone the pictures of Y/n performing and greeting fans at the concert.

   " Awww man. Kawaii~Chan wishes she went to the last concert. "

   " I know me too. I heard that when our boat left she was able to cheer up the crowd. "

   " Ya. Musically~Sama is so kawaiiiiiiiiiiiii. "

   " Yes, Kawaii~Chan I know. Now calm down. "

Kawaii~Chan looked at all the pictures the news reporter showed. Zane kept to himself and looked at his phone.

   " Now. She has announced that she and her team are working on the next album. What is it called again Sarah?"

   " It's called ' Stronger '. What a wild title. "

   " It is. It's said to contain songs about her past life maybe, but that's a rumor around all her fans. "

   " Well, all I can say is you fans wait because the album is being made. Now onto Joshua for the weather for tomorrow and this evening. "

   " Kawaii~Chan can't wait for the new album!"

   " I can't wait to get a house. "

New Life (Laurence x Reader ) SequelМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя