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I hugged Laurence back and cried into his shirt. Michi did exactly what Laurence said she would do. She yelled at us saying how she deserves him. She threw a potion and disappeared. I clung to Laurence. I didn't want to let go. He hugged me tighter and rubbed the back of my head.

   " I knew it was you from the start. Ever since you said you didn't know what happened after you drank the potion. I knew it was you."

   " L-Laurence. If you knew it was me at the start why did you ask all those questions?"

   " I had to make sure. I didn't want to end up picking the wrong one."

   " Then what was that last one. Why did you pick M-Michi?"

   " One last test. Michi always rages and screams. I knew you would crumble to the ground and cry, because of everything we've been through."

   " Laurence you know I don't like saying that word. So why did you make me say it."

   " I-I'm sorry. I just I wanted to see who would hesitate."

I shook my head at him.

   " Laurence you're a jerk. "

   " I know. And I'm sorry."

   " Laurence never say that word again. Don't ever make me say it again!" I shouted at him.

   " I won't I promise."

   " You better keep that promise. I felt like collapsing right then and there against the wall. You know how much I'm afraid of that word. "

   " I'll keep that promise. Now let's go. You need some rest."

I nodded. He wrapepd his arm around me and we walked back to our room. Once there I opened the door and grabbed my pajamas. I changed and then laid on the bed. Laurence laid on the other side of the bed. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. My back was now against his chest. I just wanted to rest. I shut my eyes and let the darkness take me.

I was laying on the ground. I was surrounded by nothing. Just blackness. I stood up and started walking around. I tried to find a light source. I walked until I found a lantern. I picked it up.

   " Hello!"

   " Hello. "

I turned around and saw Jack. My surroundings started to change. I was back in my old house. No one was there except for Jack. He had a crazed look in his eyes.

   " Good to see you again sweetheart."

It got harder to breathe. He said it. The word. I fell to the floor my mouth shut my screams stuck in my throat. The pain went through out my body.

   " After all this time your still afraid of that word?"

He came closer and lifted my chin up to look at him.

   " Or of me?"

I sat there scared and in pain. Then my vision started getting black. Everything was turning dark. Then I went back into the abyss that he had sent me to before. It was dark and quite. Then the walls started talking.

   " Laurence never loved you."

   " Jack did."

   " He loved you ever since you guys met!"

   " You broke him!"

   " He did everything for you!"


I woke up and sat up. I was laying in a pool of sweat. I was sweating bad. I looked to my left and saw Laurence sitting there still asleep. I stood up and walked to the bathroom with a pair of comfortable clothes. I changed and walked outside. It was dark out. I walked out to the deck. I stood there and looked at the moon. I walked to the pool and set my shoes to the side and stuck my legs in the water.

   " I need to calm down."

   " Why? What's going on?"

I turned around to see...

New Life (Laurence x Reader ) SequelDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora