3 Days Left: Day 2

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I woke up feeling great. I got changed into my bathing suit and walked downstairs. I heard a knock at the door. I went and answered it. I saw Katlyn at the door.

   " Hey, Katlyn you ready?"

   " Yes, I am. Let's go."

I walked outside with Katlyn and we went to the place they stayed at. We walked up to the roof and got drinks from the fridge they had up there. Then we got in the pool and we just talked the whole time.

   " So you and Travis huh?"

   " W-What about!?"

She blushed and looked away. I just laughed at her reaction.

   " Well it looks like you two are really close. I just want to know how close you are."

   " Well we are dating..."

   " WHAT!?"

   " Y-Ya we started dating a few days ago."

   " Well he better treat you right. You treat him good okay?"

   " I will I will.  Well how would you react if we broke up?"

   " Well that's a good question. I think I wouldbe there for both of you. Yes I love Travis, but I love you too Katlyn, and I can't comfort one and leave the other one. That's just cruel."

   " Well thanks Y/n."

   " No need to thank me."

   " Hey I was just thinking....do you want to come with us to the concert tonight?"

   " I can't I have something I need to do."

   " Oh? What is it?"

Craaaaaaaaaaap. Think think what is a good excuse she'll believe?

   " I'm moving houses."

   " What?"

   " Ya Guy says there is a family coming and he said that he's going to move me to a smaller house. So they could use it since there is enough room for them."

   " Oh and your packing? "

   " Ya. You can ask Travis he came over one day and helped me."

   " Okay I'll ask him later."

I nodded and drank the rest of my soda. We just continued to talk until I noticed the time. I was late!

   " Hey Katlyn I need to go."

   " Alright. I'll see you later Y/n. Bye."

   " Bye."

I got out and ran as fast as I could to the stage. When I got there I got changed as quickly as I could.

 When I got there I got changed as quickly as I could

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Then I ran on stage

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Then I ran on stage.

   " Sorry I'm late. I apologize. It's my fault for not checking the time."

They all just said it was okay and kept screaming.

I walked off stage and got dressed back into my regulat clothes.

( Travis's P.O.V. )

As we left the concert Katlyn pulled me away from the group.

   " Hey Travis I have a question."

   " Okay I'll most likely have the answer."

   " Is Y/n moving inti a new house?"

   " What?"

   " Y/n had to leave and instead of going to the concert she said that she has to pack because Guy is letting her live in a new house here on the island because there is a family that is coming and they need that house that she is staying in. She said to ask you if it's the truth."

Oh ya that's right. She doesn't want anynoe to know about her secret.

   " Ya I went one day and helped her pack."

   " Okay I'm just making sure."

We walked back to the group and back to the house. When we got there I got a FaceTime call from Laurence. I picked it up to see him in his room.

   " Hey Laurence."

   " Hey Travis."

   " You enjoying the cruise ship?"

   " Very much. I only have to wait one more day. We are going to be docking on Sunday."

   " Well that's great! We'll see you when we get back home. We are leaving tomorrow. We don't have to be out until that night. So...ya we won't be able to go to the concert, but we'll get to see Y/n before we go."

   " Cool. The ship should be docking Sunday evening."

   " I bet you can't wait to see her."

   " You win the bet. I really can't wait."

   " Well just be patient. Prepare what your going to say when you see her."

   " Alright. Thanks for that Travis."

I winked at him and hung up.

New Life (Laurence x Reader ) SequelWhere stories live. Discover now