A/n: Tagged

928 9 9

Hey, guys so I got tagged twice. Twice! I FEEL SO HONORED!!!!!!!!!

Now to answer the questions up above. You know above the text and above the title? Ya those questions.

1 ) MCD
Only because I love Medival times and stuff like that.

2 ) Kimroth
Garroth + Kim = Kimroth ( If you have a better name for them tell me )

3 ) Travis
He is my favorite because of a lot of reasons that I'm not sure of.

4 ) Melissa
She is always so bubbly and fun. She's very funny and that's why I'm sad because of what happened in Season 6 Episode 4

5 ) Probably Season 1 Episode 1
Because that's where MCD began and took flight.

6 ) Season 1 Episode 1
Again because that's where it started and I loved Season 1 because of all the things that happened.

7 ) Katlyn
Mainly because Katlyn acts so like hardcore and I can relate a little to how she acts towards love and things like that.

8 ) Travis
As you saw in question 3 Travis is my favorite character. I love them both mainly because in the seasons they find ways to make a pick-up line or a joke.

9 ) Shadow Knight
Cause you have the power to be stronger, and the jury of Nine really depends on what Season we are in on MCD. Plus I would try and act like a total Badass.

10 ) Lord
I would want to have my own village and to help people. I could go either way cause I would be helping people.

Okay now to tag other people. Man, this is the hard part.





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