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"In the night sky, I can see only stars. But in your eyes, I can see the whole galaxy."


"Love." He said. I became silent for a while so this is the reason for his tears. I am the reason.

I bowed my head do nothing but frown and, I can't help but blame myself on how hard it has been for him, for them.

"Hey. What's the problem?" He asked me as he caress my cheek.

I just smiled at him bitterly. Words aren't coming out from my mouth. They don't want to come out from my mouth.

I can't imagine how he's been through just to find me and be here.

"You're sad. I can see that through your eyes." He said.

"I think it's better if we leave the two of you for a while. We'll just look for souvenirs at the shop." Nayeon said then, they all stood up and left.

"I'm sorry." I finally find the courage to speak.

"Sorry for what?" He asked.

"I am the reason of those tears that betrayed you. I am the reason. I don't have any clues on how hard it has been for you. For them. I don't think you should be here anymore. After all that you've been through because of me. I don't deserve any of this. I don't deserve any of you." I said with a bitter smile.

"I don't deserve you."


"I don't deserve you." She said.

Here we go again; her apologies and shallow reasons.

Like what I did before, I just smiled at her.

"Why are you smiling?" She suspiciously asked me.

"Two years ago. Everything was just like this. Your apologies and shallow reasons. The only difference is, you're not crying." I said.

"Love. I'll tell you this, nothing changed. You still make me insane. You still send more than a zoo in my stomach. I'll still make you feel special. Nothing changed. Our distance from each other the whole 2 years. The time we haven't spent together. The memories you've lost. It made me fall for you even more." I said.

"Love, I can only see stars in the night sky, but in your eyes, I can see the whole galaxy." I added.

I was in complete state of shock when she suddenly hugged me.

"That's why being in your arms earlier made me feel safe." She confessed.

We broke the hug and called our friends. We eat very loud. Stories, questions, and laughter filled the room up.

We ask the waiter for the bill and payed for what we've eaten.

We were about to leave. All of us were standing and just checking our things. As we walk to the door of the restaurant all of us have has plastered the widest smile we have.

"Grazie Signore!" She said before getting out of the restaurant.

When we got out of the restaurant I follow Jihyo and walk beside her just to notice that there is something wrong.

"Hey you alright?" I asked her.

"Yeah. I'm good." She said then smiled at me and suddenly passed out.

"Jihyo!" Was the only word coming out from me when she passed out?

"Hyung call an ambulance!" I said panicking.

All We KnowOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant