Chapter Eighteen: Brother

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Enjoyyy(I think that's kinda my thing to say or something. Normal people would say jist enjoy, but I'm not normal so ENJOYYYY) I know two chapters on one day? yes, but tomorrow there isn't coming any chapter.

Freya's P.O.V

Diaval looked at me in shock. "M-My sister?" Diaval asked. I nodded and looked at Abby, who was looking to the ground. "It can't be, she is dead." Diaval said. "Freya, never mind that, I just want to go home.'' Abby said. I looked to Abby and back to Diaval. "But he must remember you!" I said. "Freya just forget about it!" Abby said loud. I nodded. "Okay, but you can't say I didn't try it for you." I said. "Yes, thank you for trying, and Diaval, I'll be happy with Eleasar." Abby said. Something seemed to snap in Diaval, but he kept his mouth shut. Abby walked off. "I do remember her, but I can't accept it." Diaval said. I nodded. "When the time comes, you will remember her." I said. Maleficent flew back into the great hall. "Aurora, I'm sorry for you lost. The king's death." Maleficent said. Aurora looked to the ground. "I didn't know him, and he tried to hurt you." Aurora said. Someone cleared his throat. "Excuse me, but I'm still looking for Henry." The black haired boy said. "Snap." I said. "Freya, we need to go." Diaval said and he wrapped an arm around me. "Excuse me," A guard said. "But now the king's death, you are the new queen, Princess Aurora." Aurora looked wide eyed to me. "But I don't want to live in the castle. I wan't to live in the Moors." Aurora said. "Then it is your task to find a new king and queen." The guard said.

Aurora's P.O.V

Well, a new king and queen. I already have someone in mind. "Well, as queen I give the crown and the responsibility of the kingdom to someone very special. They showed me about real love and I hope I'll be as them when I'm older. Freya and Diaval?" I asked. Freya looked at me with wide eyes. "Aurora, are you sure?" Freya asked. I nodded. "But this is so big. And you just crowned us to king and queen? Just like that?" Diaval asked. "Yup." I said with a big smile. "But how is what possible?" Freya asked. I shrugged. "I want to live in the Moors, and the house were you two live in is to small." I said. Freya smiled like an idiot. "Oh Lord! Thank you so much! But does it have to be the title Queen? Can't I be just a princess?" She asked. I nodded. "If that is what you want, yes." I said. "The coronation will be next week." The guard said and he walked off. "Aurora." I turned my head to Maleficent. "I have a suprise for you at the Moors, so if you don't mind coming with me?" She asked. I smiled. "Where do I have to go?" The black haired guy said. "Well, you can come with us?" I asked. "Or you stay in the castle." Freya said. "What is your name?" Diaval asked. "I'm Levi." Levi said. I nodded. "I'll stay in the castle." Levi said. I nodded. "Come with me." Maleficent said and I nodded. "I will live in the Moors, right?" I asked. "If that is what you really want." Maleficent said and I nodded. "Well then, I guess I am leaving. I said and I walked off with Maleficent. "Why did you give the castle to Freya?" Maleficent asked. I raised a brow. "Well, I just wanted to make them happy." I said. "But you could live in here with your future husband." Maleficent said. Was my choice really that wrong?


Yeah I'm done with chapter eighteen!! I think there will be two more chapter upcoming, but I really don't know.

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