Chapter Fourteen: Bond

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Enjoyy reading! Well, Freya is still locked up with Abby, and Diaval, yeah where could he be? I saw a raven today by the way! I sat in the car and I said suddenly: O my god, it's Diaval. Haha :) I actually don't know if Diaval knows Maleficents name?

Freya's P.O.V

"Is your back still hurting?" Abby asked. I nodded. When Henry came, he places a lantern in the middle of the small cellar. It was a small cellar, so with one lantern, you could see the whole room. "Well I hope it doesn't hurt that bad anymore." She said. I ignored her. I was to deep in my thoughts. Tomorrow is Aurora's sixteenth birthday. And I can't even be there, to say goodbye. "What's wrong? You look so down." Abby said. "Well, tomorrow is my best friends birthday, and we are locked up in this stupid cellar." I said.

The door opened and Henry stepped in. "Don't call it stupid dear." He said. He looked to me and back to Abby. "Which one is next?" He asked. "Why are you doing this?" I asked. His head snapped to me. "Why? I'll tell you, I do this in orders of the King. If a maiden is not enough to serve the king, or do what I said she must do, She'll end up here." Henry said. I looked to Abby. "Well, I think this time, It's your turn." Henry said an he grabbed Abby by the shoulders. "No let me go!" She screamed. "Let her go!" I yelled and I slapped Henry on his back. "Bad Idea, love." He said and he pushed me against the wall with force. My head began to spin. I saw Henry closing the door. I slowly blacked out.

Diaval's P.O.V

One day later.

My mistress called me back, so I had to go back. Sadly, but she can do magic, so i was slightly afraid what she would do to me. She turned me once in a dog, to fight the people. I was angry. Really angry, I mean, which person would change a bird into a wolf. Wolfs eat birds!

I returned to the Moors, to were my mistress could be. She wasn't here yet. "Diaval!" She yelled. I turned around. "We need to find the prince! Aurora ran away!" She said in panic. I've never seen her in this state, it is actually really sad. Her eyes were red, she cried. "Okay, I'll go looking for him." i said and I changed into a raven. I flew to the place were Aurora met the prince for the first time. The path were the prince would go his way back. The prince stood there already? I was confused, why would he be there already? I flew back to my Mistress to tell her. "M'am, the prince is already on the path." I said while i turned back into human. "Well, come on my shoulder, we're going to him." She said and I did what she said. We walked through the woods. I finally relaxed on her shoulder. I was so damn tired! I couldn't sleep all night, I was thinking about Freya. I'm so afraid something will happen to her. I don't trust the king, he would notice, wouldn't he? If he did, he would let Freya free, right? I was snapped out of my thoughts. I saw the prince floating. I changed into a human. "So, how are we going to the castle? I mean we have just one horse and..." My Mistress looked at me with a sneaky grin.

"Into a horse." She said and before I could react, I felt that weird feeling in my stomach again. I felt my back stretching and my legs grew longer. Great, now I'm a horse. My Mistress climbed on my back. "Hurry! There is almost no time left." She said. I ran as fast as I could. The prince his horse followed me with the prince floating above it. I ran as fast as I could, but I had to adjust to my four legs. I felt that weird feeling in my stomach. The feeling that something is going to happen. Something bad.

Aurora's P.O.V

After I came into the castle, I could see my dad. I could feel a bond, but not precisely a father daughter bond. He said I looked like my mom. His smile felt save. He talked about my mon, mom, the queen. I didn't know how my mom looked like of course. But my feelings are saying she looked really nice. My father commanded the guards to take me to my room. And there I sat. Waiting for nothing. The room was large. And I found a bottle with golden liquid in it. The same as Diaval gave to Freya. Hold on. That is the same bottle! That means this was Freya's room! I sat on the bed and kept thinking. Maybe Freya was here in the castle. Maybe.

Eventually I found a door. It was hidden behind a huge cloth. I opened it and I came in a room with all maids. I rushed through the room. I need to find Freya! I heard a maid running after me. I turned around.

"Stop following me!" I said loud. The maid was taken back by my comment. She looked to the ground. "I'm sorry Miss, but in order from the king, all maids have to look after you, so I have to know were you're going." She said. I knotted my eyebrows together. "Sure, but can you leave me alone for a second?" I asked. The maid bowed and walked away. Good. I walked to a staircase that led down. I felt a weird tingling in my index finger. I didn't know what it was, but something was attracting me to the cellar. A strange voice whispered things into my ears.

'Before the sunset on her sixteenth birthday, she will prick her finger on the spindle of a spinning wheel.'

The voice repeated it over and over again. I walked down the stone stairs. A cold breeze of wind past my head. I had that weird feeling inside me. A feeling I couldn't control. How hard I tried to fight against it, my legs didn't work with me. I kept walking as the voice appeared again.

'This curse will last 'till the end of time. No power on earth can break it.'


Well, Another chapter done! I think this story will come to an end soon. But I thought about making a sequel to this story, but I don't know yet. I don't know how many chapters are going to come. Well;

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Songs I listened to:

Maleficent soundtrack

Guren No Yumiya

Rock me-One Direction

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