Chapter Two: Meeting in the Moors

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Freya's P.O.V

It was like the trees sang. I loved it. I loved the Moors and his creatures. I am half Fairy half Human. I can't fly like the other fairy's.

''Uhm, Freya?'' I looked down and saw a little fairy. ''Hey little one!'' I said. She smiled and blushed. She wore a red dress and she had glass wings. She was probably a Glass Fairy. ''I don't have good news actually.'' She said and her smile disappeared. ''What's wrong?'' I asked worried. ''Well, you know Maleficent cursed that girl, right?'' I nodded. ''Now Knotgrass, Twittle and Thisletwit have to take care of the baby!'' She said loud. My eyes widened. ''Oh no! Were are they?'' I asked. ''They are in their home, behind the White Oak.'' She said. I nodded and rushed off. The White Oak was the middle of the Moors. When I came there, it was worse than I actually thought. The baby girl was screaming, probably because she was hungry. I rolled my eyes. No wonder they had no kids. No, that is rude Freya, they probably trying to. ''What are you doing?'' I asked while I walked to the baby girl. ''Oh, look who we have here.'' Knotgrass said and she rolled her eyes. ''We can handle is by our self!'' Thistletwit snapped. I looked to the baby, who had puffy eyes from crying, and back to the trio. ''Yeah, sure.'' I said, rolling my eyes. ''What do you want?'' Twittle asked. ''I just came to look if everything is alright, that is all.'' I said. The baby cried harder. ''She is hungry.'' Twittle said. ''Than feed her!'' Knotgrass said, while she was doing something with the garden. Twittle grabbed a bunch of carrots and gave it to the baby. The girl cried only harder and harder by the minute. ''Great.'' I said. ''Come, we are going inside.'' Knotgrass said and the girls followed her inside, leaving the baby outside. I grabbed a silk flower out of my pocket and gave it to the baby, who was sucking it hungrily. ''Thats tasty hm? Finally something normal to eat.'' I said with a smile. I rocked her cradle from left to right. Suddenly, Thistletwit came out of the door and grabbed the baby rough. She threw the flower on the ground and rushed back inside. I sighed deep. ''I hope the kid can survive.'' I said.

''That was smart of you.'' Someone said behind me. I jumped and turned around. ''Wow, I'm sorry, I didn't want to scare you.'' The male said. I put my black hair behind my ear. ''Hai? Are you spying me or something?'' I said while walking through the woods. ''No, I heard the baby cry and I came to look.'' He said. I nodded and kept walking. ''My name is Diaval.'' Diaval said. I stopped walking. ''My name is Freya.'' I said and shook his hand. ''Nice to meet you.'' Diaval said. There was an awkward silence. ''D-do you want to walk with me? Its getting dark.'' Diaval asked. I nodded. ''That'll be my pleasure.'' I said and I smiled. He lead me through his part of the Moorse, a part I've never seen before. ''This is beautifuly!'' I said, while I touched a pink flower. Diaval smiled and mumbled Like you. I heard him, but I blushed and ignored him. ''So, you really never seen this before?'' He asked. I shook my head. ''No I'm from the North of the Moorse.'' I said. Diaval nodded.

I walked with Diaval for the rest of the evening, until the stars showed up. ''Well Freya, It was a really nice evening.'' Diaval said and he grabbed my hands. ''The same for me.'' I said with a smile. Diaval placed a little kiss on my hand before leaving. ''I'll see you tomorrow, same time same spot.'' He said, before disapearing out of my sight.

Diaval's P.O.V

''Who was that girl?'' My Mistress asked. ''It is just someone.'' I said short. But she wasn't just someone. She was so beautiful. Her hair and her pretty rose lips. I can dream about her all night and- ''Diaval! Are you even listening?'' My Mistress asked. I blushed and shook my head. ''You can't fall in love with her, I can't allowed it.'' She said. My eyes grow wide. ''What?! Why not?'' I snapped. She looked at me with wide eyes. ''I-I'm sorry Mistress.'' I said quick. ''Good.'' She said and she walked further. ''You can't ever see her again. She is from the North.'' She said. ''How do you know that?'' I asked. ''I overheard you.'' She said. I rolled my eyes. She never gives me some private time. ''I want you to stay with me and Aurora. She is now more important than that girl.'' My Mistress said. But I know that is not true. For me, She was more important. I just met her and can't stop thinking about her. How she helped Aurora. ''But She helped Aurora as well, why can't I-.'' ''I said no!'' She snapped. I looked to the ground. ''Fine.'' I mumbled. ''That's what I thought.'' I followed her every were and saw Aurora growing up to a beautiful young lady. When she met us, is was a big relief, we finally could talk to each other. And I slowly forgot about Freya.




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