Chapter Sixteen: It's Done

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So, here is a new chapter! Oh and SPOILER ALLERT! Enjoyy

Diaval's P.O.V

I ran and ran. I was so tired. "Faster Diaval!" My Mistress said loud. I was going as fast as I could. Couldn't she see that? Her grip on my mane tightens. My legs grew tired, but I kept running. As fast as I could. The sun was almost gone, and we were almost at the castle. The prince and his horse drove behind us. Suddenly, a wave of weird energy past through my body. In shock, I jumped. I was out of breath, when my legs felt the ground again. "It is done." Maleficent said and she dropped her head on my neck. I looked to the ground. It is not to late, right? I started running again. We still can save Aurora, right? I ran as fast as I could. We have to reach the castle.

At the castle

"Look at all the guards. He is waiting for you." I said while I kept an eye on the prince. "If we go inside those walls, we never come out alive." I said. She didn't face me. "Than don't come," Maleficent said and I raised a brow. "It's not your fight." She said and she walked to the gate. "Oh thank you very much. 'I need you Diaval. I can't do this without you Diaval." I said mocking and I followed her. "I can hear you." She said. The prince floated behind her. I walked with her through the gate.

We walked through the giant corridors. I must confess, I've never seen something this big in my entire life. We made it to a large corridor, thorns of iron were blocking our way. "Well. Mistress?" I said more in a question. She said nothing and walked to the huge thorns. With some movements, she managed to get through them. I followed behind her and took care of the prince. It was difficult though. The prince didn't exactly helped. "Come on!" I whispered. I managed to get the prince along with me. I looked to Maleficent. She bumped her arm against a thorn, causing her to gasp. She said nothing and continued walking, with me and the prince behind her.

We managed to get out of the thorns and we came into another corridor. A much larger corridor. I saw guards walking by and I looked to Maleficent. "Let go." She mouthed and I let the prince go. He floated in view of the guard. Who looked confused. He came closer to us and out of sudden, Maleficent punched him with her stick. Unconscious. I looked confused. She smiled and walked further. I grabbed the prince and followed her.

"What are we gonna do?" I heard a tiny voice say. "We can't give up can we? Come on girls!" I heard another voice say. I looked to Maleficent, who was looking to the door. "We don't know how to start." "True love doesn't fall from trees you know?" At that moment, Maleficent made a movement with her fingers and the prince fell on the ground. The door opened and the three fairies flew in the opening. "Pardon me. I'm embarrassed but I don't know were I am." The prince said. "You're in King Stefan's castle." A tiny voice said. The prince stood up. "This is were I meant to be. Though, I don't know how I got here." He said.

"Why did you come?"

"My father send me to see King Stefan."

"Who is your father?"

"King Jon of-"

The prince couldn't Finnish his sentence before the three fairies yelled 'The Prince!' In union. The grabbed him and pushed him inside. Maleficent carefully walked inside and I followed her. We stood behind a change wall. Waiting for the good moment. "Kiss her!" The fairies said. After begging the prince lent in and kissed Aurora, but nothing happened. "You didn't do it right!" One of the fairies said. "It supposed to be true love!" The other one said. They grabbed the prince by his collar and dragged him out of the room.

"I told you." Maleficent said. I looked to her. She was looking to the ground. She walked from behind the changing wall to Aurora. I looked to Aurora in pity. Poor girl. I thought. "I will not ask you for forgiveness. Because what I've done to you is unforgivable. But I was so lost in hatred and revenge. Sweet Aurora. You stole what was left of my heart. And now I've lost you forever." Maleficent said. I saw tears welling up in her eyes. And I'm sure I felt some of those bastards in my eyes too. I looked to Aurora, and back to Maleficent. She really regrets what she did. "I swear, no harm will come to you, as long as I live. And not a day should pass, when. I miss your smile." She said and she bend over to kiss Aurora on her forehead. I looked to the ground. Don't cry Diaval, I said to myself. As Maleficent walked away, I looked in shock.

"Hello god mother."


Sooo, this chapter is really based on the movie. But I think this is the most important scene. Well I hope you enjoyyyed :).

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