Chapter Twenty-Seven: A boy

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Seven Months Later (eight months of pregnancy)

Freya's P.O.V

It went well. Everything. Diaval and I became closer again, just like before. Aurora was here in the castle, to support me through my pregnancy. We didn't hear a single thing from Levi since that day. I think he left. Diaval managed to get more guards at the gate. I thought is was useless, but well, i gave in. He wanted to protect me. I thought it was sweet. And it was. Abby didn't faint since that time. It was weird, but I think a part of her story is true. But phone thingies? What is that? Okay. Now about the pregnancy. The doctor managed to find out what the gender was. I didn't tell Diaval yet. But I can tell you. It is a boy. We talked about names. For girls and boys. But the boy names kept swinging through my head. Diaval choose Johannes or Nicolas. I love those names, but I was more for a simpler name, like Lucas or Tom. I know, that is very simple, but I like them. We argued about them. Or more like talked about them. Diaval was very careful. And sweet. He would always put his hands on my belly and talk to the baby and said things like; 'Hi little thing' or 'Daddy's here'. My bump wasn't huge. Luckily. It was light and handy. But now the time is almost there, it is really difficult. Not with the baby bump, but my hormones. That is what the doctor said. Suddenly I'm angry and then I am happy again. It is hard for Diaval. I see him struggling. I feel so sorry for him. I really do. But sometimes I can't help it.

"I'm sorry Diaval." I said suddenly. Diaval looked up from his book. We sat by the fire. I sat in my chair and Diaval sat by the fire reading a book. "For what?" He asked. I looked to my knees and began to sob. "Hey!" Diaval stood up and rushed to my side. "I am a burden, aren't I?" I asked. Diaval shook his head. "Don't feel that way Freya! You're not a burden, not at all." Diaval said and he pulled me into a hug. "But I'm all moody and everything." I said. "No you're not! It is all part of the pregnancy." Diaval said. Aurora walked into the room. "Is everything alright?" She asked. I nodded. "Just a little breakdown." I said. "Okay, well, if you need anything, just say it to me, okay?" Aurora said. "Sure sweetheart." I said and she left. "You know, I love you." Diaval said and he kissed me cheek. "I love you too." I said and I smiled. Suddenly I felt something in my stomach. I groaned and stood up. "What is it?" Diaval asked. "He is kicking again." I said. "He?" Oh no, did I say that? "He or she, whatever." I said quick. "Do you know something about it's gender?" Diaval asked. I shook my head. "Freya." Diaval said in a threatening tone. "I-I really don't know D-Diaval." I said. I mentally slapped myself for stuttering. "Then why are you stuttering?" Diaval asked. "Because you scare me." I said with a laugh. "Sorry, I didn't mean to. Come here." He said and he pulled me into a hug. "But if it is a he, we call him Nicolas." Diaval said. "And if it is a girl?" I asked. "Ariande." Diaval said without hesitating. I nodded. Knowing that it will be a boy. "Your majesty?" I looked up and saw a guard standing in the doorway. "There arrived a letter for you madame." He said. I walked towards him and he handed me the letter. "Thank you." I said. I opened the envelope. I grabbed the letter and folded it open. "What does it say? Let me see!" Diaval said like a curious little child. I turned around, so he couldn't see the letter.

Dear Freya,

I know you think I forgot you, but I didn't. I thought about you since I left the castle. Since that horrible day. And i heard something great. You are pregnant. Again! I can't wait to see you.... and the baby of course.


My eyes widened. "What is wrong?" Diaval asked. I handed him the letter. He read the letter and I saw his eyes widen. "Don't worry, he won't get you." Diaval said and he hugged me tight. I rubbed my hand over the baby bump. "Don't worry little one, he won't get you."


Aii! Did you peaps like it? Well I hope so! This one is short, but believe me, I can't wait until tomorrow to put chapter 28 online. Please comment if you like this. And what name do you like?

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