Chapter Twelve: Punishment

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Freya's P.O.V

"Dad?" I asked in shock. Henry was still holding my arm. "You're still alive?" I asked in shock. My dad ran towards me and cupped my face. "I will get you out of here, I promise." He whispered. I felt tears coming up in my eyes. I didn't see my dad for a long time. When the war began, the war between the humans and the Moors, I thought I lost him. "Dad, what are they going to do to me?" I asked. Tears were streaming down my face. My dad began to cry too. "I don't know sweetheart, but I don't trust the king. Since his wife died, he is acting strange." My dad whispered. So his the kings wife died.

"Okay sir, time to go." Henry said and two guardians grabbed his arms and began to walk him out. "No! Please stay here!" I screamed. But there was no response. "And we are going back to your room young lady." Henry said and he grabbed my arm. "You're despicable." I spat at him. "That doesn't affect me." He said and we continued our "Walk" to the cellar.

I thought we went to the cellar, but I was wrong. We went to another room. A room with a window. Henry closed the door behind him and led me to the middle of the room. Two handcuffs attached to chains. One for each arm. Henry cuffed me and my arms were spread wide.

He ripped the back of my dress open. "What are you going to to?" I said, trying to stay strong, but I failed miserably. "Ahw, is my little pet afraid?" He said teasing. "You should be." Henry said and I felt a stinging pain on my back. I screamed "This is a rope." He said and he slapped me again. "The same rope I hit Abby with." He said and he slapped me again.

Soon, my back was tingling and I didn't feel much anymore. Only the blood that was streaming down my leg. "Such a pretty body. It is a shame that it is so...damaged." Henry said with a smile, before hitting me again. But this time, on the back of my thigh. I yelled in pain. "Don't you dare to scream!" Henry said and he punched me in the stomach. "This is for calling me despicable." He growled. And that was when it went black.

Diaval's P.O.V

One day later

"But mistress, we have to help her!" I begged. I was begging for like a day now. I know I could go alone, but with Maleficent on my side, I was stronger. "Diaval, two days until Aurora's sixteenth birthday, that is what I care about the most." She said and she continued walking. "Fine, I'll go by myself." I said and I changed into a raven. I flew up and to the castle. It wasn't a long flight. A day. But we don't have a day. In that day, Freya could be dead.

Abby's P.O.V

I heard loud screaming from the room above me. It was terrible to hear. I'm sure it was Freya. It can't be someone else. I knew Henry was hitting her with the rope. He did the same thing to me. Hitting me with a rope over and over again. My back is still hurting from that. The door opened and I saw Henry, holding Freya's body. He trew her in the room. "You're next. Tomorrow I will come and get you." Henry said and he left. "Freya." I whispered. No response. "Freya!" I said. Again no response. She is unconscious.

I hope we can escape soon. I want to see Diaval so bad. All these years, I thought he was dead. I'm sure I saw his raven body too! That moment when he agreed that I could be with Eleasar, was the best day of my life. Two days after the attack on the tree, I went to Eleasar and told him everything. We cuddled together and I cried the whole night. Eleasar told me stories about the fair folk. Beautiful stories. And about how Maleficent cursed the baby princess. Sweet baby. I felt sorry for Maleficent though, it has to be a really good reason why she did that.

I heard moaning from next to me. "Abby? Are you here?" Freya asked. "Yes I'm here." I said soft. Freya began to cry. "My back and legs hurt." She said sobbing. I crawled to her and hugged her. (A/N: Abby's feet are cuffed, not her hands that is why she can hug Freya ) I hugged her soft and Freya cried on my shoulder. "How long are you in here?" She asked. "Two months." I said. I heard her gasp. "Two months all alone?" She asked. "Yes." I said. The door opened and a plate with food brought in. Henry places the lantern on the ground next to the plate. I crawled to the plate.

Two pieces of bread and a glass of water. That's it. "Here." I said and I gave a piece of bread to Freya. "Thank you." She said and she began to eat. I began on my piece of bread too. "Finally something to eat." I said and she smiled. I finally could see her face in a good light. But that meant I could see her legs and back to. "Freya, please don't turn around. I can't handle it to see your back." I said. "Yes okay, I understand you." She said and she smiled. "Thanks love." I said and she smiled. We finished our bread and I took a sip of the water and handed the rest to her. "Don't you want any water?" She asked. I shook my head. "No, I think you need it more than I do." I said and she smiled. "Thank you." She said and she drank from the water. I laid back on the stone ground. "So there is a change we are going to be in this cellar for two months?" Freya asked. I nodded. "Well then, at least we have each other."


Thanks for reading!! Do you like my story? I don't know how to think about it actually. But as long as you love it, I'm happy :)

And omg! I just discovered Attack on Titan and I love it so much! I watched it all day! Haha. Obsession? Do ya guys have any obsession with someone or something?

Oh, and what power could Freya have? I mean, she is from the Moors. But she is no Elf or Fairy, so she must have a power, but I don't know what power will fit her. What do you think? Leave it in the comment!

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