Part 71

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Part 71

*Selena's POV*

"ITS TOUR DAY! ITS TOUR DAY! ITS! TOUR! DAY!" I yelled running around the arena getting everyone pumped up.

As I ran around of the corners I ran right smack into the star himself. "Babe, I understand you're excited but the rest of us have been up since 4 and we are kind of grouchy."

"Does someone need a nap?" I said in a tiny baby voice.

"I wish. I have a ton of things that need my attention. I'll be okay," he said turning around.

"Wait, make me a list of the things that need to be done and I'll do it while you nap. Like you said I have all the energy you need a nap it's perfect. I don't mind at all," I said bouncing in my heels.

He sighed and looked at me making sure that it wasn't an empty offer and it was something I really wanted to do.

He found a pen and paper and wrote a list of all the things that he was supposed to do before he kissed my head and went off to go take a nap on the busses.

"Sign off on OLLG flowers and check them," I read out loud as walked around backstage looking for the flowers.

"ALLISON!" I called out once I spied her.

"Hey Sel, what's up?"

"Do you know where the one less lonely girl flowers are I have to sign off on them," I said as she pointed me to where they would be.

One by one the list began to get smaller before I finally finished it off.

By then we had an hour till show time and it was probably time to wake up Justin so he could warm up and get dressed.

"Who wants to wake up daddy?" I asked as the kids played in the open space between the busses.

"ME! ME!" Emma yelled popping up.

I kissed Jachito's head before heading up the stairs of the bus behind Emma.

Emma climbed up on the bed that was in the back for Justin and me, and began to softly places kisses on his cheek.

A smile suddenly arose on Justin's face as he let out a soft and tired chuckle. "Oh Sel," he smiled.

"Daddy it's me," Emma laughed.

Justin's eyes shot open and he sighed. "Oh sorry baby," he said rubbing his face.

"Jay, it's time to start getting ready we have about 45 minutes they need you in the dressing room now for warm-ups," I explained as I watched him get up.


"Lord, We pray that we have a great show. Please keep Justin full of energy and the crowd pumped up. We pray that You keep the dances fresh in their minds and the lyrics as well. Thank you giving us all this amazing opportunity and in Jesus' name we pray, Amen," I said as everyone joined in on the amen.

"Ready?" Ryan said to Justin who was holding my hand tight.

Justin smiled and nodded and everyone threw their hands in the middle. "DUCKS DUCKS DUCKS DUCKS QUACK QUACK QUACK QUACK ZOOOOOOOOM!"

Everyone then patted Justin in his back. He gave me a quick kiss and an I love you before heading out to get ready on the toaster.

*Justin's POV*

"How are you doing tonight, Tulsa, Oklahoma?! I believe it has been way too long," I said letting my voice fill the arena before I had even gotten on stage.

As soon as I popped up, the crowd went berserk and I felt completely at home.

I went through each song matched with the dance perfectly. I had never felt a better energy from a crowd before.

"Who wants to be my baby?" I asked after a drink causing the crowd once again to go insane as I sang one of the old classics.

I thanked the crowd over and over before rushing off to the back to my baby.

"You did amazing," everyone said giving me their two cents as I got to the back.

Selena smiled and stood on the side quietly handing me a towel and rag.

"You're quiet, that's not good," I said drowning out everyone around me.

"Justin, it was perfect," she said. "Nothing could have been done better. You worked so hard and it paid off. I'm really proud of you."

I pulled her into a hug despite the fact that I was hot and sweaty. "I love you so much. None of this would have been possible without you."

"That was awesome!" Jachito said as he was brought to the back from where he watched in the front. It was his very first concert so he was a little ecstatic about the whole thing.

"Good job daddy!" Emma said happily followed by a yawn.

"Let's go to bed guys," Selena said picking up Bentley who was already fast asleep.

"Night guys," we called out as the kids sheepishly waved as the drug there fragile and tiny body's to the bunk beds of the tour busses.

We tucked in the kids and before we knew it the bus began to move to the next stop of the tour.

"So you really think it was okay?" I asked as Sel and I got ready for bed.

She looked at me narrowing her eyes. "Jay it's was amazing. Really."

"So good I get good job sex?" I asked hopeful.

She looked at me trying to keep a serious face before she broke out in a smile. "I'm tired you should be too. Let's just take a shower and go to bed."

"Playing hard to get. I like it babe. Just make sure you stay quiet. I know that's hard for you," I winked pulled her close and kissing her tenderly.




So the next part is the final part ): but there will be one more sequel Thanks for reading (: XOXO

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