Part 9

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*Selena's POV*

"We're going to Bora Bora. We're going to Bora Bora," I sang quietly dancing in my seat on the airplane next to Jake.

He laughed and squeezed my hand gently, "If I would have known you'd be this happy I would have taken you a long time ago."

I let out a squeal and kissed all over his face. "I love you so much! I have always wanted to go to Bora Bora. Now I get to. With my favorite people too. You, Bentley and Emma."

"I think you forgot me," Justin said reaching his head across the aisle to smirk at me. He had gotten a lot cockier since I had last seen him which was very hard to believe. I felt as if he was just putting up this act to make him looked like he's not hurt, because that's what I did.

"Nope, I didn't. You are nothing more than a personal baby sitter."

"Selena Marie, stop it. This is going to be a fun peaceful trip," Jake said taking my mind off of Justin.


We had been on the plane for 5 hours and everyone was getting cranky. Emma had already had two panic attacks and Bentley would not stop crying. I was suffering from major Cabin Fever even while I tried my best to calm Bentley down.

Eventually, Justin took Bentley from me while Jake tired his best to distract me from going on off at any moment. He held me in his lap while he rocked me from side to side whispering sweet nothing in my ear.

"Baby we still have 2 and a half hours why don't you try and sleep. I know that you didn't sleep too well last night," he said grinning at me.

"Who's fault was that?" I asked laughing.

"Uh, guys, you are aware that there are children on the plane?" Justin said.

"We'll maybe if you would stop listening in on our convers-" I started before Jake put his hand over my mouth stopping me from talking.

I climbed out of Jake's lap and back to my seat next to the window. "Why do you keep doing that? I thought we were on the same side. Two days ago you were begging me to let you 'show him a lesson' and now you keep stopping me from being me and making smart remarks."

Jake sighed and tried to reach for my hand before I pulled it back. "No, don't. Don't talk to me for the rest of the plane ride," I said as I put my headphones into my ears turning it up as loud as it would go to drown out his talking.

*Justin's POV*

I watched as Selena yelled at Jake before she put her headphone is and turned the other way. Jake sighed and rubbed his forehead.

"Um, hey Jake? I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cause a fight with you two," I said feeling sorry for what I had said.

I looked down brushing Emma's soft hair back as she slept in my lap as he talked to me. "Don't worry about it man. She was over reacting. I'll take care of her."

I had to admit when he said that it hurt. That used to be my job. I used to take care of her. I was the one she used to cuddle up to. She would always wrap her arms around my neck and lay her head on my chest.

This must have been how Selena felt after she found out about Kate and I. Except worse because we did it behind her back. I tried to hide it and act like I was doing nothing wrong when in reality I wasn't doing anything right.

Selena was right. She and Bentley did need a man, that's what I was going to be for her and for our kids.

From that moment I vowed to never touch a drug again. I would stop drinking and be the man that they deserved. I was going to win back my one true love no matter what it takes.


After the longest 7 and a half hour flight in the world we finally landed and as we stepped off the plane it was worth it. I had been to a lot of places in the world seeing that I had been on 3 world tours but I had never seen anything this beautiful... besides Selena and the kids.

We all got off the plane and gathered our things before we headed out to the bungalows.

We unpacked and we're getting ready for dinner when I walked over and knocked on Selena and Jake's door. Selena answered it rolling her eyes the moment she saw me. "What do you want?"

I gave her a soft smile. "Would you take a walk with me?" I asked hopeful.

She stood there for a moment before agreeing.

We walked together down the rows of bungalows before I started talking. "I just wanted to say that I'm sorry. I was horrible to you a year ago and you didn't deserve that. You were right, you deserved a man and I wasn't that for you. When I was with Kate I felt empty, because she wasn't you. I made the biggest mistake of my life when I cheated on you and I will never forgive myself for that."

She looked up at me and whispered, "Thank you. That means a lot to me. It take a real man to admit when they did something wrong."

"Selena, will you give me another chance?"

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