Part 50

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*Selena's POV*

My eyes fluttered open to the sun shining bright through the window. I stretched my limb turning over seeing the man of my dreams staring at me.

"Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep well?" He asked with the most beautiful, perfect smile on his lips.

I returned the smile with a head nod. "How could I not? There's not any other place I'd rather be than in your arms," I said placing my hand on his bare chest. "And thank you for last night. Everything was absolutely perfect."

"So you have no regrets?" He asked propping himself up on his elbow.

I tilted my head looking at him. "Why would you think that?"

"You just had this wall built up for so long. You always kept me at arms length, I just didn't expect you to say yes."

"Then why would you ask?" I asked curiously.

"I figured it was worth a try," he stated proudly.

I grabbed a hair tie off the night stand before throwing my hair up in a sloppy bun. I slid out from under the cover when the cool air hit my naked body as I hurried to get some clothes on.

"Oh how I missed your body," Justin groaned as I turned over in the bed so he was face down into the pillow.

I shook my head with a little as I threw on some sweats so I could take my parents and my beautiful sister to the airport.

"You got things handled here?" I asked as I kissed him.

"Yes Selena," he said rolling his eyes. "There my kids too. I know what to do. We'll probably just go swimming."

"Okay be careful and make sure and keep a close eye on Jachito. I'll be back soon. Love you," I called as I walked down stairs seeing their bags back by the door.

"Ready to go?" I asked feeling a little sad to see them leave so soon.

Brian nodded his head picking up some of the bags. I helped get the rest and put them in the back of one of the cars before Brian got in the front with me and Gracie and Mom in the back.

"Thank you so much again for watching Bentley," I said hugging them as we got to the airport.

"Thanks for letting us," my mom said with a smile squeezing me tight.

"Y'all come back now you hear," I said in a country voice winking at them. "Bye Gracie! Bye mom! Bye Brian! Call me when your home!" I called out climbing back into the car.

Of course I was going to miss my parents dearly but I was excited to have the house back to ourselves. We were finally able to get back into the rhythm of things and start our new routine and actually be a family.

*Justin's POV*

"Marco!" I called out with my eyes covered in the shallow end of the pool.

I heard Emma giggle close by as she whispered "polo" to make herself seem further away.

I reached my arms out to grab her as she giggled up a storm.

"Daddy I don't want to play with anymore."

"The only reason you don't want to play is because you're it," I huffed wrinkling my nose. "Okay, okay we can get out and I'll make us all some breakfast sound good?"

"Yeah!" Emma and Jachito said in unison as they began to climb the stairs getting out of the water.

"Ready to get out Bent?" I asked as I scooped him up in my arms getting out of the water.

"Make sure you dry off good! I don't want to see watermarks in the house. And hang up your bathing suits in the bathroom!" I said as the kids ran inside with wet feet I'm sure.

I walked in the house setting Bentley in his playpen as I began to get stuff for breakfast.

As I made my way to the pantry I noticed Sel's purse on the counter.

I made my way up the stairs ignoring the sounds of the kids playing as I walked into the bedroom to find nothing. I walked out closing the door behind me as I went into her little office.

"What are you doing in here babe? How long have you been home?" I asked as I saw her in there with papers all around her.

"Sorry, I had to study for that certification test I have tomorrow. I've only been up here for like 15 minutes," she said turned around brushing some hair away that had fallen from her bun.

I walked over to her picking up her hand and kissing every finger before kissing her ring. "You're going to do great. You know everything. There's nothing to stress about."

"I know," she mumbled rubbing her hands across her make-up free face. "You know how I am about tests though. They make me nervous."

"But that doesn't matter cause like I said, you'll do great. Pass with flying colors. That is the saying right?" I asked making sure I was talking about the right thing.

She let out a giggle and smiled nodding. "Yes Jay."

"I think it's time for a study break. Come eat breakfast with us then I'll take the kids away so you can study in peace okay?"

She sighed and got up off the chair as I wrapped my arms around her walked down the stairs behind her.

The rest of the morning was spent with us just being a real normal family. We made breakfast together and laughed and had a good time. The kids even came in to help Selena cook chocolate chip pancakes as I cooked up a side of bacon.

As the meal finished cooking, we all joined at the table before thanking God for this meal and digging in.

Sitting there with the people I loved around me I couldn't help but wonder if everyday for the rest of our lives would look like this. If so, I couldn't wait to begin.

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