Part 48

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*Justin's POV*

"It's about time we get something to eat. I'm starving," I groaned as we pulled up to a classier restaurant in Dallas.

Selena glared at me before I realized what I had said.

I muttered an apology before going silent as the 8 of us walked into the building.

"It's so great to see you guys again. It's kind of sad that we didn't really get to spend a whole lot of time with you though," I said as we looked through our menus.

"Yeah but we always have Christmas. It's right around the corner. But even before that it's thanksgiving. What do y'all want to do for that?" Mandy asked looking between me and Selena.

"Well since it's two weeks away and all of our family is here, why don't y'all just come down and we can have it at our house we can have you side of the family and dads side and just have a nice family dinner," Selena said smiling as she set her menu down to help the kids pick our something to eat.

"I can have anything off of here?" Jachito asked in the cutest way.

I lightly chucked to myself as Selena nodded and helped him find something he might like.

"Brian is that okay with you?" Mandy asked turned to Brian who nodded as he watched Gracie play with her toys.

She had really gotten a lot bigger since I had last seen her which felt like forever ago. I couldn't believe she was already 2. It seemed crazy to me how fast all these kids grew up.

"Selena how's school going?" Brian asked after moment.

"Pretty good actually. I'm almost done. I have like 2 more papers before I finish my last class then I take the teacher certification test and I can teach," she said happily. I knew that Selena had always loved children and she had really always wanted to be a first grade teacher so I was really happy she was getting to do what she loved despite who she was.

"Have I told you how proud of you I am?" I said turning to her.

She smiled and blushed looking down at the table.

"So are you two officially back together?" Mandy asked leaning her elbows on the table to look at us.

Selena looked up and eyed me.

"Should we?" I asked quietly.

"I guess family would be okay to tell especially because of Jachito," she said nodding.

"Yeah we're back together," she answered looking back at the kids smiling.

"I've really missed you mom," Sel said. "You should move back here especially since we aren't up there anymore and all the family is down here. Plus it's safer here for Gracie."

"We've actually been talking about that," Brian said nodding.

"We haven't made a decision yet but we'll see," Mandy finished causing a smile to break out on Selena's face.

*Selena's POV*

It was so nice to have my mom here and have the family back together again. I really had missed seeing her as much as I did when we lived back in L.A. which was one of the many reasons I was so happy when I heard they were thinking of moving back up Texas.

As I watched Gracie, I allowed myself to go back 2 years. It was crazy to think 2 years ago I didn't even want to think about having children. Fast forward and I now have 3 and I honestly wanted just one more. Not right now obviously seeing that we had just gotten Jachito but I did want one more child.

People always say "if someone told me id be like this in back then I would have told then they were crazy" but that's true. If some stranger on the street came up to me and said in two years you will have 3 kids be married and get divorced I would have looked at them like they were an alien. I might have even tried to get them to a mental hospital.

Of course the life I was currently living wasn't one that I ever thought I would be living but I was happy with the way things turned out. Of course like any life there were multiple problems along the way but what kind of story would I be if it was all smooth? A boring one that's for sure. Yeah, some of it caused a lot of pain and heartache but I was at a point in my life that all the bad stuff that happened in the past didn't matter anymore.

If all the bad things that had happened, didn't I would be a push over. I wouldn't be as strong and happy as I am now. Because even if the other way was easier and less troubling I can for sure say I was happier now than I had ever been.

Who wouldn't be happy with an amazing boyfriend and the most beautiful daughter and two amazing sons. That's more than I could have ever asked for.

In the mist of me being in deep thought Justin began to clap his hands in front of my face.

I shook my head and blinked my eyes. "I'm sorry what?"

"The foods here. Are you okay?" He asked with his voice dripping with concern.

I smiled sincerely and nodded. "I'm perfect. Can I talk to you for a moment alone?"

Justin turned to my parents and they said they got the kids under control. We stood up and walked toward the back where the restrooms were located.

"Selena what's wrong?" Justin asked after we were out of hearing range of everyone in the restaurant.

"I just wanted to say thank you for everything that you've given me. Of course most of it I didn't ask for like Emma but I can't imagine our life without her. You've given up a lot for me and I take it for granted and I don't give you enough credit so that you so much for this amazing life. I love you so much," I said before I crushed my lips onto his.

Justin kissed me back fiercely for a moment before pulling away lightly to look at me. "What brought all this on?"

"I was just thinking about how much things had changed when I realized it wasn't a bad change. Every bad thing brought us right here to where we are now and I wouldn't change a thing."

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