Part 3

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*Selena's POV*

"Baby, wake up," I heard in a soft voice as someone shook me lightly.

"Hm... Jay stop. Let me sleep," I said turning the other way.

"What did you say?" the voice said again slightly louder. At that same moment I realized that the voice was not coming from Justin but from Jake.

I shot up on the sofa making myself fall off and land onto the hard wood floors.

"Ow," I said rubbing my head with a groan.

"What did you say Selena?" he asked again more serious and alert.

"I said 'Jake stop. Let me sleep.'"

"Uh-huh," he said with a single nod. "Why didn't you come to bed last night?"

"I decided not to get the ice cream and just go on a walk. When I came back I went up to the room but you were spread out on the bed and it was too cute and I didn't want to wake you so I just fell asleep on the sofa," I said honestly.

He sighed and his face softened. "Selena, you should have woken me up. I got worried when I woke up and you weren't there. Bentley was worried too. You know how much he likes when his mom gets him in the morning."

"I'm sorry. It was just too cute. I will next time. I promise," I said.

"Emma's awake too," he said.

I nodded and sighed before he helped me off the floor that I was still on from falling.

I stood in front of him with a smirk. "Can I have a good morning kiss?"

"I don't know," he said playfully against my lips.

I giggled and stretched on my tippy toes to kiss him softly.

He pulled away after a moment and smacked me on the butt telling me to get ready for the day.

"I still have to drop Emma off at Fredo's. So would you mind taking Bent to set with you? I'll meet you when I'm done and we can get lunch or something," I said as I stepped out of the bathroom with my make-up half done.

"Sure but I was actually wondering if you wanted to go out tonight?" he said playing with Bentley on our bed.

"Like a date?" I said with a smile. Since I had Bentley we rarely went out. It was hard to with a baby so I understood.

"Actually I was thinking like going to club?" He said with a humorless laugh.

I went back into the bathroom to finish my make-up while I talked loudly so he could hear me. "Okay, that sounds fun. I'll call my mom and ask if she can watch Bentley for the night."

"Already done, babe. She said she would be more than happy to spend well deserved time with her grandson."

"Great," I said putting on the finishing touches. "You better get going or you will be late. I love you," I said leaning over to kiss him as I grabbed my purse and went over to Bentley's room where Emma was.

"You ready love muffin?" I asked with a smile.

She looked up and me and simply nodded. She pulled her backpack on and walked with me. "Where is Bentley?" she asked as we reached the car.

"Jake took him to work so I could talk to Fredo and run some errands," I said as I climbed into my little Ford Explorer.

We drove down the road in complete silence. Emma had never been one to keep in what she was thinking. She always made her opinion on thing loud and clear so this behavior was very weird.

I pulled up to Fredo's house and helped Emma out before walking up to the door.

I only had to knock once before he opened up the door.

"Selena what are you doing here?" he asked.

"Nice to see you too!" I said with a roll of my eyes. "I'm here to drop off Emma of course and to see my best guy friend. I feel like we haven't talked in forever."

Emma had already ran off to go play so I was able to talk to Fredo about the real reason I was here.

He let me in and I decided I wouldn't beat around the bush any longer.

"Um.. so you will never guess who made an appearance in my dream last night."

"Who?" he said as we walked into the kitchen.

"Justin..What are you doing here?" I asked as I took a step back.

*Justin's POV*

"Justin... What are you doing here?" she with wide eyes as she slowly began walking backwards. "I-I'm sorry. I should go," she said hurrying to turn around.

"Selena wait!" I said jumping off the chair and rushing over to her to gently grab her elbow.

I felt her inhale deeply and slowly and I could just picture her closing her eyes.

It was the first time we saw each other face to face since the wedding and it was defiantly bitter-sweet.

"Justin, let go of me," she said in a low voice.

"Let me explain. Please," I said dropping my hand from her elbow.

She turned around and her body stiffened. "Justin there's nothing to explain. If you excuse me I have to go get my son."

"Our son," I corrected her. "Where is he?"

"He's with his father," she said shifting her weight onto her other side.

"I'm his father," I said a little hurt by what she was saying. "There may be another man in his life but I will always be his father."

She let out a breathy laugh and shook her head and she pushed her long dark hair behind her shoulder. "Yeah, okay, Justin."

"So I heard you had a dream about me?" I said with a smirk.

She squinted her eyes at me shaking her head once again. "Okay, I'm done. That's it. And for the record, I was going to say that I had a dream about Jake. My boyfriend."

"Sure you were," I said pushing all the right buttons. I may not have seen Selena in a year but I knew exactly how she worked. I knew exactly what to say to make her want to stay and fight back.

"I love Jake. You don't know anything about us. He loves me and respects me and he treats me way better than you ever did. He doesn't cheat on me because as far as I am concerned you don't cheat on people you care about and love. I'm through playing your little mind games, Justin. So why don't you go run off to Kate and your new baby and leave me, Bent and Jake in peace, because none of us need you."

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