Part 31

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*Selena's POV*

For the last few days, I had been going nonstop. I would wake up at 6 go to the studio, record and then go to set of the new movie that I was apart of and work for 4 hours. From there, I would go to sign language class then to a local college that I had started going to. After that I would go home and make dinner for everyone and spend as much time with the kids as possible before they went to bed.

My days were jammed packed, I barely had time to breathe and honestly it was starting to get to me. It was just becoming too much and I began to regret everything.

It started getting so bad that from place to place I would have little panic attacks in my car. Thankfully, no one knew about that.

The weekends however were slightly different. I wouldn't have school just I still had the studio, movie and signing, which still stressed me out to the extreme.

The only time I had to spend with Justin was in the morning when he would wake up and hang out with me while I got ready and short phone calls in the car, when I wasn't having a panic attack, and at night after the kids had gone to bed. By that time though, I had had a long day and all I wanted to do was pass out in my bed.

I was in the middle of rushing to do my make-up, while Justin sat on the counter top sleepily.

He followed me down the stairs where I grabbed my purse and went for a kiss.

"Babe?" he asked in a low husky voice.

"Yes?" I asked turning around to face him.

"I never see you make lunch and I don't ever see like anything in the bank that said you went out," he said looking at his hands.

"What are you getting at Justin?" I asked looking at my watch.

"When and what do you eat?"

I sighed and turned away. "I don't have time for this Justin. I have to go. I love you," I said rushing out before he could say another word.

The truth was, the only thing I ate was dinner. I didn't have time for breakfast or even for lunch. I wasn't trying to starve myself or anything like that I just didn't have time or anything that I wanted to eat.

Of course not eating affected me a lot. Throughout the day, my body would become tingly and from time to time I would black out when I got up and such but it wasn't that big of a deal.

After finishing a long recording session, I drove to the movie set when Justin called me.

"Hey babe," I answered tiredly.

"We have to talk about what happened earlier," he said quickly.

I sighed rolling my eyes as I drove down the road. "I don't want to talk about this Justin. Just drop it."

*Justin's POV*

Over the last week or so, Selena had jumped into work head on. Some may even say she had too much on her plate.

The way she acted way really beginning to worry me. She all of a sudden became very tired and weak all the time. Doing basic things like cooking dinner became too much for her. She now had to sit down to cook.

I also noticed that she had become a lot moodier.

"Selena are you not eating?" I asked into the phone.

"I don't have time to eat Justin. It's not that big of a deal. I eat dinner, don't I?" she snapped into the phone.

"Sel," I sighed.

"I have to go bye," she said hanging up on me.

I sighed and sat back into the sofa thinking about what I was going to do her. This wasn't healthy. I had to do something, and fast or I may lose her for good. She was starving herself whether she meant to or not, she was.

The worse part was not knowing if I should tell someone or keep it in the family. Also, I honestly didn't know if she was doing this on purpose or if she really just didn't have time.

Selena came home later than normal that day and she looked dead in the eyes.

She gave me a faint smile and a kiss on the cheek before dragging her body into the kitchen.

As soon as Emma heard that Selena was home she ran into the kitchen to greet her mother.

"Mommy!" she screeched. "Will you play barbies with me?"

Selena looked as if she had been crying and she gave Emma one of her fake smile. "I have to make dinner honey."

"I can wait till after," she said with a smile.

Selena shook her head. "Maybe another time. I'm sorry."

Emma shrunk before muttering an okay and going back to her playroom.

"Baby, this is a serious problem. Look, you don't even have the energy to play with our kids," I said pulling a chair up next to hers in front of the stove.

"I'm fine. I have plenty of energy," she said stirring whatever she was making.

"Really? Then hold Bentley while you finish dinner. If you can do it, I won't say another word."

She huffed before getting up pushing the seat back, standing up with her hands in front of her wobbling.

"You can't even stand up Selena!"

"I just got up too fast," she said shaking her head bending over to pick up Bentley.

She got in in her arms before practically dropping him and herself on the floor.

"That's it Selena!" I yelled. "We are getting you some kind of help. I'm not going to sit here and watch you kill yourself by not eating."

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