Part 12

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*Justin's POV*

"We are going to the water wanna come?" I asked Selena as Emma bounced happily at my side dying to get back in the water. Ever since last night all she talked about what getting in the water.

"Bentley's taking a nap so I'll stay here. You guys go," she said with a smile.

"We will be back soon," I said before I smiled at her and left her bungalow.

Emma ran all the way to the boats waiting to take us back to the shore line.

As soon as we got to land Emma took off into the water. Ever since Selena and I taught her to swim, what seemed like forever ago, she always wanted to be in the water.

"Daddy come on!" she yelled as she splashed around in the water.

I laughed and rolled my eyes giving in and joining her.

In the middle of laying in the water I realized that this was the first vacation I had taken Emma on. She did go with me on tour but this was the first vacation that we actually just got to be together and have fun instead of work and do interviews and photo shoots.

"Let's go back up to the room. I'm sure Bentley's awake from his nap," I said after we played for what felt like hours.

She, of course, pouted as I wrapped her in a towel. Eventually, I was able to get her onto the little boat to take us back out to our room.

"Baby, you go into our room and get changed for dinner. You are going to the little day care they have with Bentley while I take Selena out, so you don't have to dress nice." She nodded and I handed her our key and she ran off.

I went into Selena's hut not bothering to knock. As I walked in I heard Bentley crying in his portable crib in the living room area. I pulled him out and rocked him in my arms as I went looking for Selena. I called her name and called her name but she was nowhere to be found.

I went into her room seeing the door to the balcony open. I made my way around the large king size bed before seeing Selena laying on the floor of the balcony with nothing on but sunglasses and headphone, and I mean nothing.

I leaned up against the door just laughing to myself and taking in the beauty of her body before I tapped her with my foot.

She screamed and grabbed the towel that was next to her covering her body as she pulled her headphone out with her other hand.


I put my free hand up in the air in surrender. "It's nothing I haven't seen before. In my defense, I called your name and you didn't answer. You could have been dead for all I know. I could have just saved your life Ms. Gomez."

She rolled her eyes and slid on her bikini top and bottoms under the towel before tossing it to the side.

"What were you doing anyways?" I asked following her into the bedroom.

"For your information, I like an even tan so that's what I was getting. I had bathing suit lines so I just took it all off," she explained.

*Selena's POV*

I wasn't all that embarrassed that Justin saw me naked because as he pointed out he had seen all of it before and I wasn't ashamed of what I had. I was confident enough in myself.

"Well, I'm gonna take the kids to the day care area for the night. Can you be ready by the time I get back? I promise to knock this time," he said, trying hard to fight a smile.

I nodded and kissed Bentley's head before handed Justin the baby bag that I packed from him. "Be a good boy Bent. I love you."

Justin left and I immedently went through my bags trying to find something half way dissent to wear. After I was able to find a nice outfit, I quickly jumped in the shower.

I hurried and washed myself along with my hair before I got out and put on my outfit. Honestly, I was a little nervous for this date with Justin. I hadn't really been alone with him in almost a year and we hadn't been on a date since... I can't even remember.

As I was putting on a layer of lipstick, I heard a knock on the door that sent my heartbeat through the roof. I grabbed my clutch off the sofa and walked over to the door opening it up.

"Are you re-" Justin said cutting himself off as he saw me. "Wow."

I smiled softly biting my lip. "Do I look okay?" I asked concerned.

"Okay? Selena you perfect," he said looking at me from head to toe and back again.

I smiled satisfied with myself before he held out his hand for me. I looked at it not knowing if I should take it or not.

"Selena it's just a hand. It's not like I'm asking you to marry me," he said with a chuckle.

I sighed and took his hand as he lead me down to the boats.

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