Part 59

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Part 59

*Selena's POV*

It has been a week since the kids started school and everyone was doing very good except Emma. Everyday was a battle to get her into the classroom.

"Emma's teacher called me yesterday and she wants to have a parent-teacher conference," I said I did the dishes after lunch. "She said we can come in at two today to talk to her."

"Okay," he said absentmindedly as he worked on fixing the bridge to one of his new songs. "Oh um I meant to tell you, Scooter called and he need me to fly out to Atlanta to sign come contracts for the tour and hire dancers."

I turned around leaning up against the sink. "When?"

"Tonight. It's just for the weekend though. I'll be gone Friday and Saturday and come back Sunday morning," he quickly said so I wouldn't freak out.

I had to admit, I really didn't want Justin to go. And for some reason my gut was telling me not to let him go but I ignored it and nodded tiring back around to finish the dishes.


"Justin we have to get going if we want to make it to the meeting on time!" I called out as I put on some earring.

"What meeting?" He asked popping his head into the bathroom.

I sighed knowing that he wasn't paying attention when I was telling him earlier. "I told you after lunch. Remember Emma's teacher meeting."

"Oh yeah, that one," he said with a smile nodding his head like he actually remember.

I rolled my eyes at his attempt to act around an actress.

Thankfully we walked through the door of the classroom right on time.

"Ms. Gomez, Mr. Bieber thank you for coming," Ms. Jessica said with a warm smile. "The kids are in music class so we have a while before they come back," she answered as I looked around the empty room.

Justin and I took a seat in the hard plastic chairs in front of her desk and sat down.

"Is Emma doing okay?" I asked and Justin took ahold of my hand for reassurance.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to the two of you about."

"Is there something wrong?" Justin asked scooting to the edge of his chair.

"Emma's not really making friends like the other students and that worries me a bit. Is she like that a home?"

"Emma's always been pretty independent, never really wanting to play with anyone," Justin noted as he looked toward me to see if I agreed.

"I've also been made aware of some bullying," Emma's teacher said causing both mine and Justin's eyes to grow.

"No way is Emma bullying anyone," I exclaimed.

"On the contrary, Ms. Gomez. She's the one getting bullied."

Hearing this not only made me sink physically in my seat but it also caused my heart to sink.

"That's why she's been acting so off," I murmured to myself.

"We will talk to her this evening and we can make futher plans," Justin with a handshake as she stood to leave.

"How is Jachito doing?" I asked as she walked us out.

"Pretty well. He has his fair share of friends and he is doing pretty well on school work," she said with a smile.

We thanked her as the kids began to pile back into the classroom and collect there things from their cubbies.

"MOMMY DADDY!" Emma yelled running over to us.

"Come in kido let's go. Get your things and tell Jachito to come," Justin said with a laugh.

*Justin's POV*

"Are you sure you have to go? There's no way you can like fax over the paper and like skype the auditions?" Selena asked as I zipped up my last suitcase.

"No baby. I'm sorry. I have to go."

"Wait it's only for the weekend? Why don't the kids just skip tomorrow and then we can all go," she said happily as she sat on the bed.

"No!" I said a little too loud. "I mean you don't want the kids to fall behind plus we need someone to watch the animals and y'all would be so bored in Atlanta. It will be all business and no play. Plus I wouldn't really have time to be with you guys," I explained.

Suddenly, a smile the size of Texas appeared on her face.

"What?" I asked confused as to what was going on.

"You said y'all," she laughed.

"No I didn't. You say y'all, I don't," I said shaking my head as I pull my suitcase off the bed.

"Yes you did. It was pretty sexy," she said pulling me on the bed by my shirt.

"In that case, y'all," I said in a seductive playing voice.

"I'm going to miss my fiancé," she said with a pout.

"Me too baby. It will be fast though. I'll call you whenever I can okay?"


"Okay baby I'm off. I already told the kids goodbye. I'll see you soon. I love you," I said kissing her softly as I walked out to the waiting car.

*Selena's POV*

Friday passed in a blur. The only part I really remembered was missing Justin.

He called me as soon as he landed and got to the hotel and all that other jazz. So when I was in the middle of making lesson plans for when the kids got out of school in a month and my phone ran I assumed it was Justin.


"Selena?" A male voice that wasn't Justin's asked.

"Um yes? Scooter is that you?" I asked listening closely

"Yeah, listen. Justin was in an accident. I need you to get here now," he stated making my heart stop.

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