Part 70

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Part 70

*Justin's POV*

"It's so beautiful here," Selena said as she leaned into me as we walked down the vibrant beaches of Jamaica.

"It's weird how some of the places with the most beautiful natural scenery are the poorest," I said thinking back to when we drove down the beach.

"But they are happy. This may sound really selfish and spoiled but I don't want to think about that right now. I just want to enjoy you. This may the only time we have to be together for the next few years. Especially if we want more children," she said whist dragging her feet along the sand.

"When?" I knew that she would know what I was talking about so I didn't bother to expand.

"Let's just let what happens, happen," she said.

"You wanna take a quick dip before we have to go back to the boat to go home?" I asked taking off my shirt.

We played in the water for quiet sometime. One of us would splash the other and pretend they didn't do it then the other would get revenge and so on and so on. Usually when it was me slashing her I would just throw her over my shoulder until she said that I won and I got a kiss out of it.


"Goodbye gourmet whenever I want meals. Goodbye pool. Goodbye room service. Goodbye chocolate on my pillow," Selena ranted and she pulled out bags down the empty corridors to get off the boat.

I rolled my eyes and chuckled to myself.

"I'm excited you're coming on tour with me for the whole time. You've never done that before," I said as we stood in line to get off the boat.

"Yeah I'm kind of nervous though. I just don't want the kids to get in the way or stop people from doing their job. They could get lost or taken so easily. Not to mention 5 people on a tour bus is a lot. And on top of all of that since we are all on one bus it doesn't give us much time to be a married couple," she said pulling her bag with her as we moved up in the line.

"I have solutions to all of those problems. Once a week we can have the kids stay on the other bus with Kenny and Fredo so we can have alone time. Plus we have the bunks and there can be up to like 8 people on a bus so we will have extra room. Plus we will stop often so you won't get cabin fever because I know how you are. They won't get in the way everyone loves them but they know they have a job to do and when that job is done then they can play with the kids if they please. As for the lost or taken, two words. Tracking. Brackets. We can all get them. They are just family brackets but really they will be tracking bracelets so if they get lost we know exactly where they are. See problem solved," I said proudly as we walked off the boat.

*Selena's POV*

"Did y'all have fun?" Priscilla asked handing me a glass of wine as we all sat in her living room catching up.

"Yes. It was so perfect. The first few days we didn't really know if it was a good idea 'cause Justin was getting sea sick but we got him some medication and after that it was just perfect," I said twirling the wine in my glass.

"Mommy," Emma said running into the room.

"What baby?" I asked setting my glass on the coffee table.

"Can you take us to the park?" she asked batting her eyelashes.

"It's dark. We can go tomorrow before we have to leave to go our tour with daddy okay?"

She sighed and nodded before running out of the room.

"She looks so much like Justin," Priscilla said as she watched our 5 year old run back down the hallway.

"She looks like Jazzy did she was younger," I said.

"You better watch out. Boys will be all over that when she gets older," Jay joked as the boys came into the room.

"Well I guess it's time I get the gun," Justin said.

"Wow moving the south really has changed you," Pris said with a wink.

"Excuse me. He is a married man," I playfully scolded as Justin pointing to his wedding band.

We all let out a laugh and continued to make small talk about nothing in particular.

"We are going to miss you when you guys leave," Priscilla said as she finished off her wine.

"I know it will be so weird not seeing you almost every day," I said shaking my head.

"Feel free to join us on tour whenever," Justin added kindly.

"We'll have to take you up on that," Jay said.

"Well we better get out of your hair. Come on children, time to go home," I called out as I heard the pitter patter of bare feet running down the hallways.

"We need to have kids Jay," Priscilla whispered causing his eyes to widen slightly.

"Don't rush things babe. Once we have kids we can take it back. Let's just enjoy now."

"Jay?" I asked once we tucked in the kids and we were getting ready for bed.

"Yes, honey?"

"Do you ever wish we had more time to just be young? Like we were kind of thrown into parenthood so do you wish sometimes that, not that we didn't have Emma just that we got her later? I don't know. I-ignore me. I'm just going crazy."

He laid under the blankets next to me pulling me closer. "I get what you are saying. Yeah, sometimes I do. I wish we had more time to be carefree, you know? Just like you I love those kids and I would give anything for them but I get what you're saying. It's just hard to explain."

"Do you feel like we moved to fast?" I asked after a silence fell on up.

"That's a perfect way to put it. It's kind of like our life is in fast forward and I don't know how to slow it down. It's not a bad thing. It's our thing. It's what makes us unique."

I nodded and turned slightly to kiss him. "Rest, you got a big day tomorrow. I love you."

"I love you Mrs. Bieber. Goodnight."

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