Part 7

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*Justin's POV*

"Mr. Bieber? This is Dr. Berry. I have the result from the paternity test you requested. Would you like the results over the phone or would you like to come to the office?"

"Over the phone please," I said stopping the middle of the hallway. Emma looked up at me like I was crazy but I didn't care.

"I'm sorry Mr. Bieber. Hayden is not your daughter," he said through the phone in an apologetic tone.

"Really?" I asked making sure I wasn't getting punk'd or something.

"Yes," he said.

We talked for a minute longer before we hung up and I turned around calling Emma after me.

"What's wrong daddy? Where are we going?" she asked as I buckled her back into the car quickly.

"Home. I need to talk to your mother. You are going to stay in the car, okay? I'll be fast," I said as I started to drive down the road like a mad man.

As I got closer to the house I was beginning to get more and more angry. And when I pulled up to the house I could have sworn that there was smoke coming out of my ears.

I kept the car on as I jumped out of it and went inside.

"Justin! Thank god you are home! I was afraid that you were never coming back. I'm sorry abo-" she started before I cut her off with my hand.

"Save it Kate," I sneered. "I'm only here to pick up mine and Emma's things because we are leaving. You and I are over. O-V-E-R. Over. Hayden's not my daughter so there's no point in sticking around and pretending like we are a happy family when we are all miserable on the inside," I said as I stormed off to Emma's room.

I threw all the important stuff that I could in a bag before heading off to the master bedroom and doing the same thing to my things.

"I'm not miserable, Justin," she said in a pleading voice. "Can we like talk about this? We can work something out."

"No Kate! I'm miserable. I'm tired of pretending I'm in love with you and at this point I can't even fool myself. Maybe at first I had feeling for you because we were never really able to finish what we stared but now I remember all the reason why I wanted up to break up in the first place. Those feeling I thought I had when I was with Selena? There are long gone. They have been for months and now that I know Hayden's not mine, I see no reason to stay with you. I'm taking Emma with me and we can go back to our old custody plan if you need me contact my assistant because I won't answer your calls anymore."

I quickened my pace and left her in the room standing there like the shocked idiot she was. I took the stairs two at a time and ran out the door throwing the stuff in the back of my Range Rover before darting off down the street.

*Selena's POV*

"Are you nervous for the trial tomorrow?" Jake asked as he rubbed my back while we sat in bed.

I bit down on my lip and nodded slightly.


"I just- what if something goes wrong? Plus I mean, it's kind of embarrassing. We were only married for like 20 minutes. Kim Kardashian's marriage lasted longer than that and they tore her to shreds. And the whole world is going to be watching Justin Bieber get divorced."

I felt his hands stop moving along my back and I felt his warm sigh on my neck. "For starters, I don't know what's up with this whole obsession you have with Kim Kardashian but I find it weird," he chuckled trying to lighten the mood without success.

I turned around to give him my most 'I'm serious' look.

He scooted back slightly rising his hands in the air. "Okay, okay. But seriously, who cares what people think? Kim didn't get cheated on like you did; you had every right to divorce him 20 minutes after marrying him. And yeah the judge may look at you like you are crazy but you did what you had to do. And what could possible go wrong? It's divorce not a murder trial. You aren't going to jail, it will be okay. And the whole time I will be next to you holding your hand tight. We are in this together, babe. I promise. And after if you want, I'll even teach the little douche who's the boss because no one break my baby's heart."

I smiled and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him tight. "That is why I love you so much."

He smiled and placed a kiss on the top of my head, "So does that mean I get to throw down with Bieber?"

I laughed and rolled my eyes, "No, there will be no fighting. I don't even want you to look at him."

"Whatever you want, love."

I laid there that night in his arms. He held me close as he slept peacefully but I couldn't get the trial out of my head.

This could be the last time I see Justin face to face. I would finally be through with him and I could start my new life with Jake. I could be happy.

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