Part 6

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*Selena's POV*

I woke up with the biggest headache I had ever had in my life. And the fact that all the windows in the room where opened did not help. I closed my eyes and went through my purse until I felt my sunglasses and slid them on my face.

I pulled myself out of bed and out of our empty room to find Jake cooking breakfast for the two of us.

"Good morning sunshine!" He yelled which felt like someone was stabbing nails into my ears.

I quickly covered my ears and shushed him before climbing up on the bar stool and resting my head against the nice cool marble countertop.

He walked over and placed a kiss on my head. "Does someone have a hangover?" he asked making sure to keep his voice low.

I nodded with a pouting face.

He let out a soft laugh before pulling me into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me and held me close as if he was protecting me from the world.

Too soon the moment was ruined by Jake having to finish up our food. He also put on a pot of coffee saying that it would help the hangover.

After we finished the wonderful breakfast he had made, we decided it would be a good time to go pick up Bentley. I quickly got dressed and we hopped into the car ready for today adventure.

Thankfully by the time we got to my mom's house, the headache was gone and I was feeling a lot better.

We made small chit chat with Brian and my mom before telling them we were swamped with errands.

I buckled up Bentley in the car before set off for what was in store.

"Where are we going?" I asked as he squeezed my hand on the middle console.

"Baby store," he answered with a smile.

"Why is that?"

"Bentley is getting bigger. He needs bigger things."

I nodded and let out a squeal because we had just pulled up to the nicest baby boutique in almost all of California. He, of course laughed at me. We both got out and he got Bentley out not even bothering with taking the baby carrier.

"I've always wanted a girl," he said as we walked through the little girl section to get to the boys part of the store.

"We have Emma," I responded as I touched some of the tu-tu that we walked by.

"Selena you know what I mean. I want us to have a girl. A child just you and me," he sighed looking at me.

I stopped walking and turned to look at him. "Jake, trust me when I say this, I know exactly where you are coming from. I wanted the same thing with Justin a year and a half ago. Look where I ended up. It's not that I don't love you because I do. I love you so much. It's just that, I don't want to be one of those girls who every time they are in love they have a baby with them and things end up not working and I have 12 different baby daddies. And don't say that I'm doubting our relationship because I'm not. I'm just being cautious. I love you and I don't want to mess anything up, okay? Can we at least wait to talk about this till after I'm legally single. I don't want to be like Kim Kardashian," I finished trying to lighten the mood as much as possible.

He let out a chuckled and wrapped his arm around my waist loosely. "Of course baby. I will wait as long as you want. I'm not going anywhere."

*Justin's POV*

"Justin, I'm sorry," Kate said through the phone for the fifth time since I answered the phone.

"I know. I get it. I got it the first time. But I'm not coming home. In fact, I'm looking for a place of my own. I really don't see why we have to live together."

"What? Justin, have you gone insane. Are you going drugs again?"

I laughed coldly, "You have no idea how close I am to hanging up the phone. You better watch what you say."

"Justin, I'm serious. What is wrong with you? I noticed lately that you have been angrier than normal. What's wrong? Talk to me."

"This is not therapy. Look I got to go. The lady is here to show me the house. I'll see you later. Bye," I said locking my phone before she had a chance to respond.

The lady was super nice and showed me around the place. She said it was a quiet area, which would be good for Emma and I. We walked around the place which was good and when we finished I told her I would get back to her soon.

Emma and I walked out together and I helped her into the car.

"How did you like the house angel?"

"It's okay," she said looking out the window swinging her legs in her seat. "Daddy?"

"Yeah baby?"

"Are you and mommy breaking up like you and Selly?" she asked finally looking away from the window.

"Not yet but soon. You can't tell her though okay? If you do we never get Selly back."

She nodded her head as I pulled into the hotel that we were staying at.

As we walked in, my phone started playing the familiar ringtone.

"Hello?" I asked answered to a number that I didn't have programed in my phone.

"Mr. Bieber? This is Dr. Berry. I have the result from the paternity test you requested."

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