Part 19

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*Selena's POV*

I woke up having no idea where I was. The room was darkly lit and it wasn't even very big. As I looked around I noticed that there was only one cheap looking bed and there was someone inside of it with me.

"Good morning," the husky voice whispered. That beautiful voice could only belong to one person. Justin.

"Where are we? What happened?" I asked looking around rubbing my head.

"I had to take us to a motel close to Fredo's house. It was too crowded to sleep in the guest room but there was no way a taxi was going to be able to get down the street to pick us up," he said.

"Why are we in the same bed?" I asked hestitnely. "We didn't.... you know..."

His eyes got big and he shook his head fast. "No!" he yelled causing us both to cover our ears. "They didn't have any rooms with two beds and I didn't want to leave you in a room by yourself in case you woke up and didn't really know where you were and think you were like kidnapped or something," he explained after a moment.

I nodded. "Well, thank you, for taking care of me."

"Do you remember anything from last night?" he asked.

"Not really. I remember it was really crowded but that's about it," I said honestly.

"So you don't remember... me getting in a fight?"

My jaw dropped. "You got into a fight?! What happened?!"

"Some guy tried to make a move on you but I told him you were unavailable and he said you weren't attractive so I punched him in the face and then you pulled me away before anything else could happen and you ... kissed me."

I let my face fall into the palm of my hand, "Justin...I'm sorry."

"That's not all," he said.

How it get any worse? "What else?"

"You... you said you were in love with me," he said not looking at me.

I stayed as still as possible not moving my face from my hands.

"I get it, Selena. You were drunk, it didn't mean anything. I just thought I'd let you know," he said getting out of the bed. "We should probably get back to the hotel and pick up Bentley and Emma too."

"Justin," I started before he cut me off again.

"Stop, okay? We have a lot to do. Let's go help Fredo clean up his house. If it's even there," he said before leaving the room to check out.

*Justin's POV*

When we got to Fredo's house, it wasn't hard to tell that the place was trashed. There were even people passed out all down the street as you walked up to the house. Red plastic cups covered the floor and the house smelt strongly of booze. That's how you know it was one epic party.

We walked in to see Fredo up and groaning as he moved around the house with what seemed like the worse hangover he's ever had.

Selena and I, on the other, weren't that bad. The light kind of hurt and sounds were amped up but nothing I couldn't handle. I was more surprised by the fact that it didn't seemed to affect Sel at all.

By the shocked looked on Fredo's face when Selena and I walked in 50 feet apart, he was surprised that we weren't holding hands and singing songs. He looked at me only to have me shrug and shake my head. He gave me a sympathetic look.

"Sel, the backyard is really trashed. Do you think you could start there? When Justin and I finish in here we will come out there to help you," he said obviously wanting to talk alone.

She nodded and grabbed a trash bag before heading out to the back.

"What happened? I thought things were going good last night?" he gawked.

I shrugged grabbing a black heavy duty trash bag before I scooped up the dirty, used cups and threw them in there. "I thought so too."

"So what happened this morning?" he asked finally starting to pick up.

I few more cups in the bag as I made my way around the room. "I asked her if she remember last night and she said not really. So I told her about the fight and the kiss and how she told me she loved me."

"What did she say?"

"Nothing," I said angrily throwing another cup into the bag. "Not a single word. Then I rushed out before I could get rejected and we haven't talked since."

"Man, that's... I'm sorry. Maybe she jus-"

"No Alfredo, it's over. She doesn't love me. She will never love me okay?"

"Justin, you don't know that," he said trying to reason with me.

"Just stop! I'm done talking about this!" I said before storming off up the stairs to clean it all by myself.

Honestly, I was just hurt. She basically told me that she loved me and then took it back. It's one thing for her not to say that she loves me, but it's another to say it and then take it back. Now I know how she felt when she found out I cheated, and let me tell you, it's not a good feeling.

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