Part 27

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*Justin's POV*

The doctor walked in with a serious look on his face as he looked at his clip board. "So the results are in and it looks like Bentley is mostly deaf."

I could hear sobs break through for Selena as she held onto our son for dear life.

"Mostly?" I asked a bit confused.

He nodded and took a seat on his little rollie chair trying to explain it to me the best he could, since Selena wasn't really in the mood to listen.

"He responded to the really, really loud sounds that we played but that's about it. So he's isn't 100 percent deaf but he isn't able to hear like a normal person," he explained.

"What can we do to make him hear?"

"Well, we sent our results to a lab to find out if it was something in his genetics or if he had an illness that may have been overlooked that could cause him to lose his hearing. Once we find out how it's cause we may be able to try and fix it with surgery. The most we can do right now is give him a hearing aid and put him in speech and physical therapy."

"When the soonest we can do that?" I asked rubbing my hand against my neck.

"I can schedule you with a specialist for tomorrow morning," he said.

I went through my schedule in my head realizing I had an interview tomorrow but honestly my family comes first and my fans had to understand that.

"Okay, that's fine. Thank you for your help," I said standing up and shaking his hand before escorting Selena and Bentley out of the office.

Selena was still crying and holding Bentley as close to her as possible as we walked through the lobby to the front doors.

The second we walked out of the doctor's office we were swarmed with paparazzi. I wrapped my arm around Selena while trying to push through the crowd with my other hand.

"Justin! Selena! Are you two back together?!"

"Is everything going okay with the family?!"

"Selena are you pregnant again?!"

"Justin did you ditch Emma?!"

It was hard trying to block out all that they were saying back at the moment I couldn't care less because I had bigger things to worry about.

After a while, we got Bentley in the car safe and sound before I took Selena over to her side helping her in and making sure she was okay. Once that was all done, I was finally able to get in the car myself and begin driving.

"Sel," I began in a soft voice.

"Justin, don't. I don't want to talk about it okay?" she said avoiding my gaze.

"Honey, it's going to be okay," I said. "It's just a bump in the road. It could have been worse. He could have had terminal brain cancer, so when you look at it we got lucky. Maybe it wasn't what we wanted to hear but it's better than what some parents have to deal with," I said trying to show her the bigger picture. I'd rather my son have a hearing problem that might be able to be fixed than having him with cancer or something that could put him in pain or even kill him.

"Why do bad things happen to us?" she said as I pulled into the house.

*Selena's POV*

Justin put the car in park before pulling me as close to him as the car would allow him. "Baby, I don't know. But like I said, we are in this together."

"Are we really?" I asked finally looking at him with my red eyes.

"What are you talking about? Of course we are."

"Justin, you leaving to start tour soon."

"Selena, you know I can't help that," he explained. "If this would have happened, I don't know, two or three months before, I could have pushed it back but it's already set."

"I get it Justin. You are picking you fan over your own son," I said before opening the car door and quickly getting Bentley out before storming inside.

"Hey, how'd it go?" Ryan asked from the sofa.

I looked over at him with my red, puffy face and he didn't say another word because he knew that it didn't go well.

I went up to my room closing the door loudly before locking it so Justin couldn't come in.

Just as I expected, moments later Justin came knocking on the door calling my name.

"Selena, I am not picking anyone over my family. I'll talk to Scooter okay? See if I can get a few of the first shows rescheduled, but I do have a job. Just because we are going through a rough spot doesn't mean I can throw everything to the side and focus on the problem. We have to go on with our lives."

I listened to what he said as the tears streamed down my face like a river. "Just go away," I said in a hoarse voice watching Bentley play innocently.

I heard a sigh through the door before hearing Justin's heavy footsteps on the hard wood floors.

"Why do bad things happen, Bent? You never did anything wrong. You are such a good boy, you don't deserve this," I said mostly to myself seeing he couldn't hear me.

"I'm your mommy. I'm supposed to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I'm supposed to protect you, and I'm not doing a good job. I'm sorry I failed you Bent. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

Stronger - Sequel to Broken PiecesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora