Part 25

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*Selena's POV*

"Good morning beautiful," Justin said to me the moment my eyes opened.

I smiled and snuggled closer to his chest. "Good morning."

"Did you sleep well?" he asked brushing my hair back with his big hand.

I nodded. "You know I always sleep good in your arms."

I heard him chuckle before kissing my head softly.

A silence fell between us but it was nice.

"When are we going to tell people?" he asked breaking the silence.

I sighed and sunk into his chest. "I don't want to tell anyone. Let's just hide and run around behind people's backs. It's more fun that way. Plus, it keeps the stress away for a while."

"I guess you're right," he replied making a smile appear on my face. "But, it's going to be hard and we will have to be very careful and sneaky."

I giggled and nodded. "I can do that."

Right as Justin was about to say something a knock was heard from the door causing both our heads to snap over in that direction.

My breathing began to get faster as Justin and I went into a panic.

"Uh, hold on!" I yelled before whispering for Justin to hide under the bed.

"Are you insane? I'm not going under the bed!" he protested quietly.

"Go now," I pushed him walking over to the door. I made sure he was fully under the bed before opening the door.

"Jazmyn?" I asked opening the door. "What wrong honey?"

"Where's Justin? He wasn't in his room," she asked in a panic.

"Uh, he must have gone for a run this morning," I answered proud of the lie I had come up with.

"Selena," she said with a sigh walking around my room.

"What's wrong Jaz?"

"This morning, I woke up and went to the bathroom like always but something was different," she started.

I looked at her with a confused expression all over my face trying hard to follow what she was trying to say.

She waved my closer before whispering, "I'm bleeding."

I inhaled a breath before covering my mouth with my hand and letting out a tiny squeal.

I had known Jazzy since she was pretty little so when I found out that she had started it meant a lot to me.

"Oh sweetie," I said pulled her into a tight hug.

Once I was done squeezing her to death, we went to the bathroom before I helped her with everything she needed to help her survive this horrible time in her life.

When we finished, she thanked me and we both went back to our rooms.

"You can come out now Justin," I said sitting on the bed.

Justin wiggled his way out making me laugh before climbing back into the bed with me.

"Jaz was bleeding? Was it bad? Like we have to take her to the hospital? And why are you so calm about this?" he said.

"It's not what you think, Justin."

"Then what is it, Ms. Genius."

"She started," I stated hoping he would pick up on what I was saying.

"Excuse me?"

I sighed, trying to think of a way I could tell him without making him uncomfortable. Justin had never really been one to talk about periods and stuff with. He always got squirmy and found a way to leave.

"She a woman now."

*Justin's POV*

"I still not following you," I said trying my very hardest to get what Selena was trying to tell me.

"For the love of the lord, she started her period Justin!" she yelled at me.

I raised my hands in surrender not needed to know many more. That was my little sister. I did not need to know about that nor did I want to. It was more than I needed to know.

The rest of the day we sent with all of us catching up and just lounging around the house but mostly I spent my day avoiding Jazmyn at all cost.

It wasn't that I didn't love her or even want her around, it was just when it comes to all that awkward girl stuff I don't do good, and so I try my best to avoid it all together.

"We ready to go swimming?" I asked after we finished eating the grilled cheeses that Selena had made all of us.

Emma jumped up and clapped her hands running up stairs. Selena on the other hand was giving me a death glare from across the table.

"What?" I asked as everyone began to get up and go get ready accept me, Selena and Jazzy.

"We can't go swimming, Justin," she said crossing her arms.

"Why not?"

She moved her eyes to Jazzy who was looking down on the table.

"Selena, it's okay. I can just stay inside and watch a movie or something," Jazzy spoke not looking up from the black sleek table.

"I'll stay with you," Selena said standing up and throwing her plate in the sink.

"No go out. Go swimming," Jaz said.

"Justin, why don't we just go get ice cream instead?" Selena said trying to not make Jazmyn feel left out.

"Emma's not going to be very happy," I whispered in her ear.

"Well, take care of it."

I sighed and walked up the stairs alerting every one of the change in plans. No one really cared except for Emma, who threw a huge fit.

"Emmaleigh Paige if you don't stop right now, you are going to bed for the night without dinner and without ice cream," I said sternly.

She stomped her foot on the ground crying. "Y-you t-told m-me we were g-going s-swimming!"

It was hard disciplining Emma because she isn't like most children. She didn't like when things changed and if someone said they were going to do something she expects them to do it, so changing plans on her was very hard for her to grasp.

"I know, Emma, but things change. We can go swimming anytime you want, just not today okay? We will go later this week, I promise."

"R-really?" she stuttered wiping away her tears.

"Yes, now come on. They are all waiting for us," I said picking her up in my arms giving her a kiss. "I still love you."

"I still l-love you t-too Daddy."

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