t h i r t y t h r e e

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-Makennas POV- Four Days earlier-

I groan and wipe my forehead with the back of my hand.

Bloody Bastard kept me locked up.

I take a deep breath and walk into a dry cleaners. I need new clothes considering I'm wearing bloody ones.

As soon as I enter I see one girl doing her laundry but she is staring at her phone.

I walk up to her and smile.

"What" she snaps at me and I smirk.

This'll be fun.

"What's your name?" I ask and lean back on my heels.

"Who's asking" She snarls at me and I laugh.

"Now, I'm going to ask nicely one more time" I stare into her eyes, getting ready to compel her. "What is your name."

"Angie Smith"

I roll my eyes at her name, she sounds like a bitch and from what I can tell, she is.

"Angie, how about you come with me."

She nods and I walk into the bathroom, she follows me without another thought and I lock the bathroom door before pushing her against the door.

"You can be scared now" I smirk and her eyes widen as my fangs grow from my teeth and my eyes grow yellow, veins cascading down my cheeks. Screams escape her lips, stinging my ears.

I bite into her neck, savoring the flavor of fear in her blood. I found out rather quickly that when they're scared they taste better.

I shake my head violently as the blood flow becomes less and less and I drain the life out of her. I slam her against the wall and feel a pop in her neck.

I pull away and see her limp body against the door and her head on the floor.

I look blankly at her and unzip her jacket and take off shirt before putting her jacket back on and changing into her burgundy shirt.

I wash off my face and the door before shoving her to the side and grabbing her phone. I exit the bathroom and grab her backpack after searching it.

A diary, wallet, and pictures. I think she is a run away from what her diary says.

I grab her clothes from the dryer and shove them into the back pack, lucky for me, she has good taste.

I walk out of the dry cleaners and smile sinisterly as I look up at the night sky. It's a beautiful night, stars are out and it's a full moon.

I walk down the dirt road and make it to a gas station about three miles away from the dry cleaners.

As I walk in the cashier with blonde hair and hazel eyes looks at me with a smile on his lips.

His eyes take over my body and I shake my head. Pervert.

"Hi" I smile fakely at the guy, not that he notices and walk in front of him.

"Hi" he smiles back and leans forward. "What's a pretty lady doing out at this time of night."

I shrug and bite my bottom lip before leaning forward and whispering, "running from an abusive boyfriend."

"Ohhh" he nods his head in understanding and I look at the counter behind him.

"Can I get a pack of cigs?"

"Sure thing"

He grabs the cigs off of the back and scans them.

"3.45 please"

Mated | Klaus Mikealson Where stories live. Discover now