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Makenna Amethyst Lockwood^^^

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Makenna Amethyst Lockwood^^^

"Mack!! Let's go, for fucks sake!!!" My brother yells up the stairs. I roll my eyes before throwing my backpack over my shoulder.

"I'm coming Ty" I laugh at my brothers moodiness, someone's got his knickers in a twist this morning.

I run down the long steps and my brother wraps his arm around my shoulder. "I'm here you bloody ball sucker" I laugh at him as we walk out the door. Yelling goodbye to our mother.

In a couple minuets we make it to the high school where we all meet in Rics room.

"Ok, so we think Klaus is to strike soon, we just don't know when" Ric says right as we enter the room.

"Well that's no fucking use" I curse, making my awesome presence known. But like usual they pretty much ignore my comments. "I feel so loved" I roll my eyes and stand by Damon who puts an arm around my shoulder.

They continue to talk about shit and blah blah blah, honestly I don't care very much, to be honest. The Salvatore's and Elijah have Elena under protections so why should I worry to much. I can't exactly do much anyway.

All I have is an wolf gene that only is useful on a full moon.

"Oh! I have an idea!" I shout and raise my hand, waving it in the air rapidly. "We can become ninja turtles!! Bonnie, stir up some of your juju and we would be good to go" I put two thumbs up I the air and I hear Tyler scoff.

I glare at him and he kisses my temple with brotherly affection.

I listen to the conversation about the way they are going to take down Klaus, I don't really understand it but if it works, whatever.

Sometimes I feel like Dora the Explorer when we have to go on adventure and then Ty is Diago. But then sometimes I think Stefan is Flinn Rider and Elena is Rapunzeled because Elena is always locked up and under safe watch. It get annoying sometimes because it's always

Elena This....
Elena That....

Don't get me wrong! I love Elena! But you can only ever hear someone's name so many times!


The first hour bell rings and we all go to our own classes. Me and Ty have the exact same schedule and locker so we are with each other the whole day. Some people don't know how I put up wth him but they have to keep in mind I was trapped in our mothers womb with him for 9 months. When your in that close of a space with someone you tend to get used to everything they do, even if you hate it and think they are the most annoying thing on the planet.

I truly believe that he is the most annoying thing on the planet but I love him so I guess he gets a free pass.

"Ty! What the actual fuck is our locker combination" I groan, realizing I haven't been in our locker since the start of the year.

"Don't ask me" he shrugs.

"But I need my math book!" I groan in frustration.

"Mack, your book is back at the house" he rolls his eyes at me and grabs my hand, dragging me down the hallway.

"I'm getting detention, I know it!" I groan in frustration as we enter the math classroom.

"Oh please, he probably forgot he even assigned the homework" Ty scoffs, looking at the grey haired man in his 70s.

"True" I laugh and we sit down in our seat in the back right corner of the class room.


Ty rolls his eyes as I flip on to my stomach and take another swig from one of our fathers whiskey bottles. Ever since he died we have had free reign on his supplies so every now and then when we need something stronger then beer we go to his stash.

We have pretty much a free supply to beer because of Matt.... He's kinda in love with me and sometimes I take it to my advantage so we can get waisted. But we have good reasons... sometimes.

"We s-shuld-uhhh" Tyler stands up from the couch at my drunk talk and I go into uncontrollable fits of laughter for no reason at all.

"Ok sis, time for bedtime" he says, trying to pick me off the couch. I hit his chest with all my force, which isn't very much right now because I'm not threatened, but it makes him stumble back wards.

"Hehe I gottis youuuu" I hiccup as Ty comes towards me again, grabbing my wrists so he can restrain me.

"It's bed time"

"Woah! What if I dont want to go to bed. What if I want to go skinny dipping in the fountain" I gurgle and wiggle out of Tyler grip, starting to run around our mansion.

Tyler runs after me as I trip and fall every once in awhile, he even almost catches me one of the times.

Eventually I make it outside to the fountain and start to strip, being completely comfortable with it because this isn't the first time we have seen each other naked.

"Put you shirt back on" he groans, calmly.

"Mmmmm no" I laugh and pull my leggings off. Ty groans and walks back into the house. "Hey! Where are you going!" I shout in annoyance of being ignored by my own flesh and blood, he doesn't answer.

I sit on the edge of the fountain with only my knickers and bra on when Tyler comes back out with a green fluffy blanket and a glass of water and I think a pill in his hand.

"No!" I groan, knowing the pill he has. It's my sleeping pills because I'm never able to actually fall asleep on my own, only on certain occasions, like a full moon, or an emotionally stressful/ straining day.

"Get that shit away from me! I won't let it touch me tongue!!! Mmmmmmmmmemmmm" I press my lips together in a hard line, not letting him place the pill in my mouth.

Tyler lightly hits my jaw making me growl at him in annoyance.

"Tyle-CHILD ABUSE!!!" I scream bloody murder as he places the pill in my mouth. He slaps his hand over my mouth and I lick it but it doesn't bother him because I have done worse than lick his hand.

I once licked his ear once, I think I was also pretty hammered when I did that too, but I can't remember. Come to think of it, I can't remember much from that night so I probably was drunk.

Tyler hands me the glass of water and he makes me drown it like its dads whisky, sadly it's not. Then he wraps the blanket around me and picks up my clothes them picks me up bridal style, carrying me to my room where I just sit on the bed and eventually fall asleep.

Meaning Tyler can now go to bed.

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