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-Makennas POV-

"TYLER!!" I scream first thing as I wake up and shove the pillow over my face. I hear Tyler slug hisself into my bedroom and groan. "Close them"

I motion my hand towards the Black curtain and soon everything is nice and dark in my white and black themed room.

"Want me to get you some aspirin?" He nudges me and I rapidly nod, then groan because it feels like my brain is being knocked around.

Ty leaves my room and I stand up from my bed, noticing I'm in one of Tyler's big green shirts. I walk to my closet, shoving my hair away from my face and opening my gigantic walk in closet.

I change into a light blue pair of skinny jeans with rips on the thigh (right) and a rip on the knee (left). I then pull on a black crop top that says 'I bite' I got this because I do bite.

I then pull on a pair of my black adidas and a black scrunichie on my wrist incase I want to tie up my hair later.

Tyler comes back into my room as I slide on my shoes and I open my mouth wide with a grin.

He pours some water into my mouth and then puts the pill in to the water. I swallow the pill and water before standing up with a tired smile.

"Can we go to Waffle stop?!" I question happily. Tyler nods and we run down the stairs, my head still hurting but I chose to ignore it. I pull on a pair of my black sun glasses and Tyler grabs the keys to his black car.

A lot of things just seem to be black, like the morning sky. The clouds are pretty dark but there is no wind. It's just a dark morning even though it's around 9am.

-Later In The Day-

"Ok! I'm here! The party can start!!" I smile and throw my hands in the air as I walk into the Salvatore boarding house.

Damon smirks at me as I smirk back and Tyler comes in behind me, shutting the door.

"Tornado?" Tyler asks, shrugging. I send him a doubting look before jumping onto the couch on my stomach.

"Ty, I don't think there is going to be a tornado" I sigh and pick up one of Damon's bourbons, opening it.

"Hey! Your underage! And that's mine" Damon snatches the bottle out of my hand right as I'm about to take a drink of it and I glare at him.

"Well tell last nights drunk Makenna that" I sass him, walking over to him and trying to grab the bottle from him. He holds it above his head and I groan, jumping up to get it but ultimately failing.

Damon is much taller then me 5'11 vs 5'4, it's not fair.

"Give me the alcohol!!" I scream while stomping my feet, throwing a famous Kenna tantrum.

Damon backs away from me and hands me the bottle. Instantly my scowl turns into a smile or smirk, kind of a mix of both, and I happily walk to Damon's favorite chair and sit down in it. Knowing I'm annoying him I take a drink of his bourbon and sigh in relief.

"I think your an alcoholic." Tyler shrugs, earning a deathly glare from me.

"I am not! Last night was the first night in weeks I was actually drunk, or even drank for that matter!" I point out.

Damon shrugs and I hear foot steps behind us. I turn around to see a 'it's Wednesday' look on Stefan and a weary Elena.

"Oh hi love birds" I smile happily at them.

"Damon's letting you drink that, in his chair" Stefans eyes go wide as he stairs in disbelief.

"Not willingly" Damon mutters over on the couch.

"Awe! Did Damon loose to a wittle gurwl!" Elena teases Damon happily.

"No, she was about to thrown a Kenna fit, nobody wants that" I spit out the bourbon I just placed in my mouth, earning a disapproving look from both of the Salvatore brothers, along with my own.

"It's a Kenna Tantrum! Not Fit! Get it right! Your the one that mad it up!" I groan unhappily and then the front door bursts open.

Ric, Caroline, Matt and Bonnie come rushing in as a bunch of leaves blow into the house.

"It's a Tornado warning" Caroline groans, walking into the parlor with the others at her side.

"SEE!" Tyler shouts in a mocking tone, pointing at me. "I tolddddd you it was a tornado! You owe me a fucking golf set!"

"Poppycock!!" I scream, standing up on Damon chair, earning yet another disapproving look. "I'm not getting you that!!" I pout, throwing the bourbon at Tyler but he easily catches it, luckily. Damon would have probably killed me if I broke it....

I smile sheepishly at Damon who just sighs and probably wonders why he even speaks to us.

"Wellll are we going to camp in the cellar or no?!" Elena asks hurriedly.

We all give her a weird look at she rolls her eyes. "Not everyone here is invincible!"  Bonnie buts in.

"I'm not invincible, I can die!" I raise my hand, still standing on the chair.

"Might not want to remind me little wolf" Damon sends a warning glare over to me, for everything I have done ever since I entered the house.

I groan and step off of the chair, running past everyone, especially Damon to get to the cellar.


"Just because I'm practically in kill able doesn't mean I'm your salve!!" Damon shouts back.

"YES IT DOES!!" I yell up the stairs with a laugh.

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