It's The Dawn, You'll See

241 10 32

Warning: bullying and harassment

Okay, this fucking image is just so gorgeous i cant. I WAS gonna use another picture that made me actually almost cry, but imma save that..


I wasn't surprised Cracker ran to find the nearest jewellery store, I had to actually run to catch up and it was literally tiring. Once I caught up, I grabbed her by the arm and made sure she didn't cause too much of a scene or run off again. She wanted to buy some necklaces and bracelets, which were pretty cheap--to me anyway.

"Aqua! I want this one! Pleeeeeaase!" She pointed to a necklace that had a pink diamond that was shaped like a love heart. It was gorgeous.

"Of course!" I smiled and looked at the price, it was decent for a diamond, which it claims to be real; it was two thousand dollars. 

"Yay yay yay!" She jumped on her heels and I giggled. "We need to find some super cute bracelets to match it! And maybe we can go to a clothing store and buy an outfit too!" She tugged my arm like a child and I nodded. 

"Yes! But let's pay for this first!" I walked over with Cracker to the desk and the worker smiled weakly. "We'd like the pink diamond necklace please." I smiled and they nodded, opening a golden cabinet and pulling out a fancy white rectangular box. I pulled out my purse and searched for my card.

"Paying with a card?" They said. I nodded and yanked it out, scanning it and typing in the numbers. I felt Cracker's warm excitement radiate from her, and it was too perfect and too adorable. 

"Thanks!" I smiled and put the box safely in my bag, waving goodbye and walking out with an excited Cracker locked around my arm. "Right, you wanted a bracelet?"


"I don't see any that would match this necklace," I shrugged and she hummed, scanning the place.

"Well, let's go find an outfit then!" She chirped and held my hand tightly.

"I'm thirsty though! Can we get a drink first?" I smiled and she groaned.

"Fine!" She skipped ahead and I rolled my eyes, zipping my bag up. I was about to follow her, but someone caught my eye, someone I used to be friends with!? I saw them look at me, but they thought nothing of it and just continued to look at the jewellery. I frowned and walked over to them with too much enthusiasm. "Oh my gosh, Kameron?"

"Hm?" She muttered and looked at me, her eyes widening. "Aquaria?" 

"Yeah!" I smiled and she chuckled weakly.

"What are you doing here?" She said with a stiff expression, her eyes darting over to a group of her friends.

"I'm shopping, I just haven't spoken in so long! Why is that?" I asked, tucking some hair behind my ear with a weary smile. 

"That Cracker chick you hang out with is really freaky," She mumbled, "I mean you are cool, it's just-- she creeps me out." She shrugged and averted her eyes back down at the bright golden earrings.

"She-" I swallowed and looked back at Cracker, who was sitting down, waiting patiently and kicking her cute legs with a bright smile. How could anyone think she is creepy!? "No, she isn't?" I protested, my voice becoming stern. "Kam, you never stopped texting me before, we used to be besties!" 

"Yeah but, you kinda left everyone ever since you began speaking to Cracker. We just assumed you didn't give a shit." She sighed and flicked her pink tinted hair back.

✩☠ Distorted Memories | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now