That Day

336 13 37

Warning: triggering content and smut

Btw baby girl  (cracker basically) looks like the image in the story, i actually got inspiration from the short hair thing from this pic.. so noice bro


I was unable to feel anything at this moment, I could only choke on my own tears and hope and pray this was all just a nightmare, but this is so real.

"Mom please wake up!" I whined with pain, clasping her hair in my hands. "This is my fault, and I'm sorry!" I laced my arms around her neck and pressed my nose into hers, the connection was still there, I still felt her being inside of her; she can't be dead, life wouldn't do that to me. I felt my tears enter my mouth and roll down my chin, making my face sore and my throat hurt, the taste of salt seeped over my tongue. I never heard her sing to me a last time, that song--the same song I will never know, and there is a chance I'll never hear it again.

The sounds of heavy footsteps stormed up the stairs and a male voice could be heard outside the door, along with Aquaria's. I held my mother closer, not wanting to let her go.

"Crackie-" I heard Aquaria call to me, a man grunted and coughed awkwardly.

"No! Don't make me leave her!"

"Cracker-" I felt her soft gentle grip on my arm try to urge me off, but I kept my face nuzzled into her neck, her perfume smell never leaving her.

"We still have time to save her," The medic said. I slowly sat up and quickly kissed her lips, and allowed him to take her away from me, of course, I hesitated and wanted to grab her back and protect her myself, but that wouldn't help either of us. He then did so, picking her up and raising his eyebrows. "I don't think she's even dead?"

"That's impossible! She has no pulse!" I snapped. Aquaria took my hand in hers, and I watched the medic rush out.

"Maybe you were wrong?"

"I hope I was... I hope she's gonna be okay! I couldn't live without her!"

"I'm sorry this happened," Aquaria whispered and rubbed my back for comfort. "She must have had some personal issues you didn't know of?"

"No, I knew everything! I just avoided it because I'm selfish!" I groaned and cried into my hands. "I'm a terrible human being! All I do is cause pain to everyone!"

"No, that's impossible," She reassured, still running her hand up and down my spine. 

"It is!" I sobbed, feeling my whole body tremble and break down.

"No! Because you make me so happy! So not everyone!" Aquaria cupped my cheeks and wiped away my tears with her thumbs. "Cracker, take deep breaths and calm down." She smiled at me a forced grin, slowly calming my nerves.

"Aquaria, I dunno what to do, I never thought that I depended on my mother so much!" I looked at my hands and wiped my eyes on my arms.

"After she is in the hospital, shall we go see her?" Aquaria smiled, I nodded quickly.

"Why would I ever not!?" 

"Excuse me-" The medic stopped our conversation. I swallowed and looked up at him sadly. "She is in the ambulance now, we are trying to find a way to get the sleeping pills out of her. But-- It might be too late, they could already be in her system." He said pitifully, "There is still hope though!"

I glared and turned back to Aquaria, my eyes dwelling with tears all over again. 

"Thanks, sir," Aquaria said, wrapping her arms around me.

✩☠ Distorted Memories | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now