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Warning: Mild cute smut and violence

Im really proud of these creepy edits...


I awoke to the sound of Cracker's voice, beckoning me to wake up. I groaned to myself and tried to ignore her, but then I remembered I was in her room.

"Aqua! Aqua! Wake up!" She giggled, jumping on me and pushing down on me. I opened my eyes to her beautiful face beaming down at me with a big toothy grin.

"Crackie~" I moaned, turning my head away. She laughed and lied over me, cuddling up to me like she always does when given the opportunity. Her mouth teased my neck, before kissing it softly and petting my cheek with her thumb.

"Why are you sleeping in my room?" She asked. 

"I couldn't stand being alone here. I needed to be as close to you as possible. I love you so much." I whispered, turning and pressing my chest against hers. She laughed giddily with her hands hiding her cute blush.

"I was able to talk to Monet! I don't know how but I could! I don't feel so sad anymore! Because she told me she was fine and okay!" She said with raw joy in her voice.

"That's amazing, babe," I said soothingly, hearing her sigh in comfort. 

"I wish we could cuddle forever, I missed your hugs in bed." She mumbled into her hands.

"We can do this whenever we want. All the time."

"Please sleep with me." Her glossy eyes begged me, I didn't think twice to nod, running my hand up and down her neck. 

"Why wouldn't I?" I pressed my forehead against hers and slid my hand under her dress slowly, caressing her thighs. She giggled quietly, my hand grazed her back making her gasp into her hands. "Sorry, I love touching you."

"Well, take off my clothes and you can touch whatever you want." She pulled away and reached behind her back, unzipping her dress. My hands assisted her, pulling it down her slim body, revealing her cute purple panties and bra. 

"I missed looking at those." I winked and giggled, seeing her blush in embarrassment.

"Hey!" She brought her legs closer to her chest, allowing me to completely absorb her in a loving embrace. 

"You're so warm--why is your heart beating so fast?" I asked jokingly, trying to make her feel vulnerable and small.

"Because-" She started, thinking of a way to finish her sentence. I laughed and hastily pressed my lips against hers, feeling and hearing her moan into my mouth. My hands massaged her bare ribs, slowly sliding a sneaky hand under her bra, squeezing gently. She giggled and bit her tongue. "That feels--amazing-"

"Of course it would," I said suavely. "Don't worry, I'm too tired to do anything else, I just want to touch you and make you feel good."

"You do just by being near me." She closed her eyes and pressed her nose against mine. "Smoosh-" she squeaked.

"You're a stupid child," I joked, holding a serious tone in my voice. She scowled, scrunching her cute nose at me.

"I see how it is!" She tried to turn away from me, but I had my hands tightly around her. She groaned and pressed her face into my neck. "Let's take a little nap together then?"

"By nap do you mean sleep until two 'o' clock in the morning?" I chuckled and twirled my finger into her hair. She nodded and closed her eyes. "Sleep tight then," I whispered, kissing her cheek and allowing her to drift off into peace. She didn't speak after a few minutes, and soon I heard gentle snores escape her mouth at each breath she exhaled and inhaled. It was a beautiful sight I could never get tired of, just this human lost in her own mind, at peace from the world and in some distant land of her own. I never had that; I had no land, I had hell, and there is nothing I can do to change that. I sat up slowly, trying not to disturb her, and removed my clothes. My hand glazed the gap between my breasts, I slowly removed my bra and threw it onto the floor. I didn't take off my underwear because I didn't know how she would feel about that. I laid back down and wrapped my body around her resting figure, closing my eyes and hoping for a peaceful sleep, now I am with her.

✩☠ Distorted Memories | Miz Cracker X Aquaria | AU ☠✩Where stories live. Discover now