Chapter 22- Reunited

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We arrive at the busy airport, Leigh following us in the car. We went and got it from the girl's house so we could all get back in one drive.

We park in the two of very few empty spots, and go in.

"Gate three I think." Jesy tells us, and we wait on an empty bench.

"You girls are amazing. I don't know what I'd do without you all." I admit, trying to find the words to say.

"Well, we care about you. We couldn't just let you die." Jade says, putting her arm around me.

"There they are!" I exclaim, jumping up from my seat.

I wave to them, and they wave back.

"Oh my gosh, this is actually happening." I tell myself, running into my Aunt Helen's arms.

I hug my brothers, which relieves the ache I felt for years.

I let happy tears fall, not wanting to let go of them.

"I'm never leaving like that again, I promise." I tell them, picking up Cal, who is only nine.

"I'm going to introduce you guys to my friends." I say, wiping tears from my cheeks.

The girls walk up to us, and my smile can't possibly get any wider.

"This is Jesy, Jade, Leigh, and Perrie." I introduce them, and they also smile.

"Your brothers are adorable!" Leigh exclaims, and they laugh.

"Girls, these are my brothers Cal, James, and Brayden. Also my Aunt Helen." I continue, and I feel great!

"By the way, we bought a house in Harrow. We get to stay with you." My Aunt spills, and I hug her again.

"I've missed this." I whisper, pulling away.

"We better go before it gets any busier." Jade speaks up, and I agree.

"We brought a spare car for you." I tell my Aunt as Cal clings to me. "I'll take this one if you can handle James and Brayden."

"Of coarse. I'll meet you back at your house." She assures me, as if she's scared to lose me again.

"Hey Jes! Can we take Cal?" I call to her, as we walk out of the building.

"Of coarse!" She calls back, unlocking the van.

Leigh passes Aunt Helen the keys, shaking her hand in the process.

I climb in the very back with Cal, Leigh and Perrie in the middle, Jade in the passenger seat, and Jesy driving again.

Cal cuddles right up to me, and I hold him tight.


We arrive at the girl's house, and I carry in Cal, who is sleeping.

"Mind if I put him on the couch?" I whisper to Jesy, and she nods.

I lay him on the couch and Perrie covers him with a blanket.

"So where's your new house?" I ask Aunt Helen, and she smiles.

"Just down the road. They already got our furniture and everything in there." She explains, and I can't help but to keep smiling.

"Are you living here or with us?" James asks, and I freeze.

I look to the girls, then back to him.

"They invited me to live here with them, but I can still come and visit." I tell him kindly, not wanting to upset him.

"Plus, you guys can come visit any time." Leigh adds on, and I look at her.

"Thank you." I mouth to her, grateful that they are as kind as they are.

"We're all family." Perrie says, walking over to me. "Our house is yours too."

My Aunt smiles, and so do Brayden and James.

"We'll talk again soon. We need to go get settled." Aunt Helen says, giving me another hug.

"Come over later if you want!" Jesy calls as they walk out the door.

I walk over to them, needing to tell them something.

"Again, thank you for everything. You guys have been so considerate and nice, and you turned my life around. You guys are like the sisters I never had." I spill, and we clutter into a group hug.

Never thought that my kidnappers would end up being my sisters. Never say never.

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