Chapter 8- Moving On

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-Destiny's POV-

The large building comes into sight, the moon shining a little light on it.

The van comes to a stop and we all get out. Perrie opens the trunk and hands us all our bags.

I quickly run up to the door and swing it open. I just want to feel safe...well safer.

I hold the heavy door open for everyone, then go in myself.

I realize that Jade is carrying the cat carrier, the now obnoxious meow still coming from inside.

"Girls, I've gotta get back to the hospital. You can stay here and get unpacked. The doctor told my dad that she might not make it. I'll be back later." Jarod explains sadly, opening the door halfway. "O-okay." I reply, trying to hold sadness and fear back.

Jarod leaves and we all stand there in shock, not believing that Mrs. Caprihano might die.

"Let's get to our room, we better get to bed soon." Leigh says, breaking the uncomfortable silence, then walking towards the staircase. The rest of us follow in silence again, too tired and nervous to think.

Perrie opens the door, leading into the familiar room. The lights remain off and we set our bags down, then let Smokey out of his carrier.

"Hey, what's the time?" I ask, realizing something.

"9:30. Why?" Perrie replies, looking at me in confusion.

"It's awfully late to be at the hospital." I continue on, pacing around.

"Destiny, you're tired. Let's just get some sleep. If Jarod's mom was dying, they'd let them stay past visiting hours." Jesy interrupts my train of thought.

"What if Hunter finds us while he's gone?!?" I exclaim, hoping that they won't think I'm crazy.

"How would he know where the center is?" Jade asks, making a point.

"Maybe Jarod told him." I reply, then Leigh grabs my shoulders.

"Time for bed." She says, pulling me down to the bed gently. I lay down, not bothering to change into PJ's.

"But he could be working for Hunter." I protest quietly, trying to fight going to sleep.

"Sshh... Go to sleep. You're talking crazy." Leigh's soft voice whispers before I can't fight my heavy eyelids anymore. I close my eyes and darkness takes over.

-Jarod's POV-

I walk out of the hospital, tears falling from my eyes. She's gone. My dad follows me out to the parking lot, standing by his own car.

"Should we go see him?" He asks, wiping his own tears away. I nod and get into the van.

I can't believe Hunter would send some one to kill my own mom.

I pull out of the small parking lot, my dad driving behind me.

I know where his 'hideout' is, which isn't too far.

My phone rings, and I sigh.

"Hello?" I answer, clearing my throat.

"Sorry to hear about Jane." Hunter's voice comes through the speaker. He's the last person I want to talk to. "Funny what a little air can do to a person." He adds on and I almost swerve off the road!

"YOU KILLED HER! YOU BASTARD!" I explode, yelling at the top of my lungs.

"Bring me the girls. Then no one will get hurt!" Hunter yells back, and I pull over on the side of the road.

Kidnapped by Little Mixحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن