Chapter 13- Harrow

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-Jesy's POV-

I keep my foot on the pedal, my eyes glued to the road.

I can't hear the other girls talking, just the sound of the tires against the paved road.

All I can see is the steering wheel and road, everything else is a blur.

I don't know where we're going, but I just keep driving.

"Jes?" Leigh asks, snapping her fingers in front of my face.

"What?" I ask, coming out of my trance.

"I think I know where we should go." She admits, shifting in her seat.

"Where?" I ask eagerly, looking over to her for a second.

"Back to our house in Harrow, London." She suggests, fear in her voice. "I think we'd be safest there."

I sigh, thinking of all the possibilities. I realize I'm over thinking and I'm worrying too much.

"Girls, we're going to London." I announce, keeping my eyes on the road.

"Why London?" Perrie asks in a panicked tone.

"We'll be safest there." I repeat Leigh's words, making a turn off the highway. This road should lead to one of the entrances in London.

No one says another word, the silence awkward all of the sudden.

"Where in London?" Jade asks, breaking the silence again.

"Harrow. Back at home." I reply, speeding up a bit. "You might want to get comfortable, it's going to be a long ride."

I turn on the radio quietly, switching to a pop music station.

I quietly sing along to 'Dark Horse' by Katy Perry, one of my favorite artists.

Music takes my mind of things, and personally, it's my escape from my reality.

I look in the rearview mirror and realize some idiot is right on our tail.

I see a sign that says 'London 154 km' and I turn down the road.

The white van follows, and rides up our bumper. The sudden crash makes everyone jump and scream.

I step on the pedal harder, increasing the speed.

"Just floor it, Jes!" Destiny calls from the back, and I listen.

I press the pedal all the way down, speeding down the road.

I feel another bump as the back of the van is hit again.

I quickly turn down another road, skidding a bit.

'London 140 km' a sign reads, and I'm hoping I lost whoever is chasing us.

"Is the van still behind us?" I ask, my breathing heavy.

"No." Perrie answers, her tone a bit calmer.

I take a little pressure off the pedal, calming myself down.

"London 98 kilometers." I read out loud, and then I realize how fast I was actually going. "Leigh, what's the time?" I ask, not bothering to look down at the radio clock.

"It's only 10am, but it feels like longer." She answers, opening an app on her phone.

"Only about half an hour before we're in Harrow!" I call to the back, noting the others.

Every car we pass puts me on edge, which probably makes me look like an idiot.

I'm so paranoid that it's ridiculous!

I turn up the music a bit, trying to take my mind off things.

A song I kind of like comes on, and I hum along.

"You alright?" Leigh asks, noticing my paranoid state.

"Uh... Ya. I'm fine." I lie, finding it hard to concentrate on anything. "You wanna drive?" I ask, knowing it isn't safe for me to drive at the moment.

"Sure." Leigh-Anne replies suspiciously, unbuckling her seatbelt.

I pull over to the side of the road, hitting the brakes in a hurry.

"I think you're tired." Leigh states, and it's probably true. I've been trying to catch up on sleep, but nightmares haunt me.

We manage to crawl over each other, and I get comfortable in the passenger seat.

The van starts moving, and I feel at ease with the movements under me.

Not much longer until we're in Harrow, then I realize something.

"Guys, who got our bags?" I ask, sitting up straight and turning around.

"I'm pretty sure Jarod packed most of it in the trunk." Jade replies, turning around in her seat. "Yup, it's back there."

"Stop worrying Jesy. We're fine." Perrie adds on, a concerned look on her face.

I take a few deeps breaths, slouching back down in my seat.

My eyelids are heavy, and I pull my legs up on the soft seat.

'Don't fall asleep.' I think to myself, but ignore my thoughts.

I shut my heavy eyes, convincing myself that I'm just resting them.

Before I can think anymore, I slip into a calming slumber.


"Jesy..." I hear a quiet voice, and some one shaking me lightly.

I don't respond, too tired to open my eyes.

"Jes... Wake up." Jade's familiar voice says a bit louder. "We're home."

I slowly open my eyes, closing them again.

I realize that I'm in a vehicle, so I force my eyes to open.

I sit up and step out of my open door, trying to gain balance.

"We're home?" I ask, grabbing onto Jade's shoulder for balance.

"Yup. We're home." She replies quietly, and I wake up a bit more.

Finally, we're back in Harrow.

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