Chapter 20- Recovery

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-Jade's POV-
I pull the covers over my head as the light shines through my curtains.
My eyes stay closed, but I can't breathe under the heavy blanket. I groan, realizing I'm bound to get up eventually.
I pull myself up, not able to open my eyes completely.
I grab my hairbrush, starting to comb through the mess of hair.
I wince as I pull through numerous knots, the ends curling a bit.
I put my hair in pigtails, which aren't quite even. They never are anyway.
I don't bother with make up, not caring about it.
I change into baggy, blue jeans and a random T-Shirt. I tie a sweater around my waist, just in case it's chilly.
I exit my room, hopping down the stairs.
"Morning." I greet Leigh and Jesy, who are eating breakfast.
"Hey Jadey." Leigh smiles, taking a bite of her toast,
"Perrie still asleep?" I ask, putting some bread in the toaster.
"Yup. As usual." Jesy says through a laugh.
I hear a thud and a groan come from the bedroom down the hall.
"Perrie fell out of bed." I point out, trying not to laugh.
I slide my feet across the hardwood floor to Perrie's room, opening the door.
"You alright?" I ask, helping her up.
She doesn't respond, the only sound I hear is tired mumbles.
Her eyes are still closed and she runs a hand through her messy hair.
"Come have breakfast, we'll be going to see Destiny soon." I say, leading her out of the room.
She stumbles into the kitchen, sitting down in her spot.
"What do you want to eat?" I ask, knowing how much she hates mornings.
My toast pops and I put it on a plate, buttering it quickly.
"Cereal." Perrie groans, putting her head on the table.
"What kind?" I ask as Jesy and Leigh clear their plates.
"Mini wheats, please." She replies more clearly, and I grab the box.
I grab a bowl and spoon for her, setting them in front of her.
"Here you go." I smile at her, sliding the milk over to her.
She puts it together while I eat my toast, and she wakes up a little more.
"Have a good sleep?" I ask, starting on the second piece of the now cooler toast.
"Meh." She replies, eating slowly as she usually does in the morning.
Mornings and Perrie do not go together, it's the fight of our lives to get her up.
"I'll be in the living room with Jesy and Leigh alright." I tell her, putting my plate in the sink.
She nods, and I go to sit on the couch.
I walk into the living room where Leigh is telling a story, probably a dream she had last night.
I sit beside Jesy, starting to listen. I manage to catch on quickly, intrigued by her words.
I hear Perrie go back to her room, and I hope she's not going to fall asleep again.
"So once Perrie's dressed, we're going to see Destiny." Jesy announces, smiling widely.
Leigh cheers, falling back into the recliner.
"Have any one of you seen my crop top with the peace sign on it?" I hear Perrie call from her room, and I roll my eyes.
"Give me a second!" Leigh calls back, standing up and heading towards the laundry room.
"So, how'd you sleep?" Jesy asks me, and I turn my attention towards her.
"I slept good, I was pretty tired." I reply, relaxing into the soft couch. "What about you?"
"I slept alright. It took awhile for me to fall asleep." Jesy answers, pushing her slightly curled hair out of her face.
"I'm ready!" Perrie exclaims, entering the living room.
She has her crop top on, along with some jean shorts. One of her favorite outfits.
Jesy and I stand up, and we all slip our shoes on.
Jesy grabs the keys of the hook, pressing the button to unlock the van.
I'm the first out into the warm, summer weather, glad I put my hair back into pigtails.
I crawl into the middle seat, Leigh beside.
Perrie and Jesy are in the front, Jesy driving.
I pull the seatbelt across me, pushing it into the lock. We pull out of the driveway slowly, driving down the street.
We turn onto a busy road, one of the main roads of Harrow.
Luckily for us, the hospital isn't too far from our house.
We turn into the nearly empty parking lot, parking near the doors.
"Let's go." Jesy says happily, stopping the car.
We get out and start walking towards the front doors, watching for cars.
I hold the door open for everyone, then follow them.
We walk in silence to a lift, and I press the up arrow.
"Can't wait until she's out of here." Perrie speaks up, stepping through the open doors.
"Agreed." Jesy adds on as the doors close.
"Random question. What do you think happened to Mitchel? He's been locked in the basement for a few days now." I ask, wanting an answer.
"I called the police last night. They took him to prison, and Hunter is in the morgue I imagine." Jesy answers, and I feel more at ease.
The doors re-open and we start walking down the hall.
We reach Destiny's room, and the door is already open.
"Hey!" She greets cheerfully, sitting up slightly.
"Nice to see you again." Leigh starts, giving her a hug. "How's it going?"
"Well, the doctor said I could be discharged in about four days, so it's going good." She explains, a smile on her face.
The other girls and I cheer in unison, making Destiny laugh.
"How did you guys sleep last night?" She asks, sitting up slowly.
"Well, Jesy took care on Hunter and Mitchel." Perrie spills, sitting down.
"That great!" Destiny winces, squeezing her eyes shut.
"You alright?" I ask, putting a hand on her small shoulder.
"Ya, it's a work in progress on getting up. They're taking out the stitches in a few weeks and they're going to take the bandages off tomorrow. They said that the wound wasn't as bad as they thought." She explains, grabbing the edge of the bed. "I wanna try and walk today."
"Are you sure?" Jesy asks, a worried look on her face.
"It's not the first time I've had to try and walk after surgery. I'm ready." Destiny assures us, pulling herself up.
Leigh and I help her up while Jesy holds her up and Perrie helps her keep her balance.
"Thanks guys." She thanks us, and we move out of her way.
"Got it?" Leigh asks, keeping her arms out just in case.
"Yup, it's all good." Destiny smiles, taking baby steps. "Wanna go for a walk?" She asks, balancing herself again.
"Of coarse!" Perrie exclaims, which shocks me a bit.
"Where to?" Destiny asks, as we exit the small room.
"How 'bout just down the hall. We don't want you to overwork your body." Jesy warns, going into her protective mode.
"Jes, I'm fine, I promise." Destiny comforts, a soft look in her eyes. "I've done this five other times. I'm good."
My mouth falls open in shock.
"Five times?" I ask, maybe a bit louder than intended.
"I had issues when I was younger. I spent a lot of my life in the hospital." Destiny explains, walking with us down the long hallway.
"You're a brave women." Perrie comments, and Destiny laughs slightly.
"Maybe with big things. But I will faint if I ever see a spider." She jokes, stopping for a second to rebalance herself.
We're finally on the road to recovery. In more ways than one.

(A/N:) We're almost at the end of this journey my friends. Thanks for 2K, it means the world to me! Sorry this chapter is so short, the next one will be longer.

Kidnapped by Little MixOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz