Chapter 7- Back Again

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(A/N): Sorry guys this chapter is shorter, but I needed to update.

-Perrie's POV-

The ride to the hospital is silent as we get into town.

Jesy follows the signs, indicating where the hospital is.

I watch out the window as the large building comes into sight. Jarod is waiting outside the main doors and Jesy parks the van.

I step out, feeling queasy at the thought of what I might see in there.

"Hello girls." Jarod greets, not his usual happy self, but I don't blame him. It's his mother in there!

A chorus of 'hi's are all that anyone can say.

We walk into the building and I inhale sanitary smell, which is disgusting.

"Where is she?" I ask, assuming she's still in the emergency room.

"Still in the E.R, but the nurses told me we could wait in her room.

"Where's her room?" Jade asks, her voice soft and a bit shaky.

"ICU." Jarod answers simply as we head towards the lift.

I press the 'Up' button and wait. The heavy doors slide open and we get in.

"Which floor?" I ask, looking at the pad of numbers.

"Floor 3." Jarod answers as the doors close.

I press the '3' button and I feel the movement beneath my feet.

The ride is short and I feel the lift stop. The doors open and we walk out silently.

"Follow me." Jarod says, walking down the long hallway.

We stop at room 586. I'm a bit nervous to go in, even if she isn't in there yet.

Jarod opens the door, revealing the medium sized room, Mr. Caprihano already inside.

I stand against the wall with Jesy, Leigh, Jade, and Destiny sitting on the floor. Jarod sits in the chair next to Mr. Caprihano.

An hour later Mrs. Caprihano is rolled in on a stretcher, hooked up to life support.

"She's in a coma, a deep one. I'm so sorry. The bullet was pretty much in her brain, she's lucky to be alive." The doctor says, his eyes sincerely sorry.

"Thank you." Jarod replies, shaking hands with the taller doctor.

Once he leaves, Jarod is at his mother's side, stroking her long, graying hair.

"This was all my fault." Destiny mumbles, her head in her hands.

"Don't say that, sweetie." Mr. Caprihano comforts, his hand over his wife. "You didn't pull the trigger."

"No. I just pointed the gun in the right direction." She whispers, and I know what she's talking about.

"Mitchel Clarke is working for Hunter Rankin. Unfortunatley, Mitchel is Perrie's and Destiny's ex." Jade explains, standing up from her spot on the floor.

"What did he say on the phone?" Jesy asks, curiosity taking over.

"He said if I didn't go with him, he'd hurt the ones I know and love." Destiny admits, her hands shaky.

Then it clicked. That's who shot Mrs. Caprihano! Or at least some one who worked for Hunter.

"Jane, please stay with us." Mrs. Caprihano says to the lifeless body in bed.

I think we're all off in our own little worlds, too shocked to talk about anything.

Mrs. Caprihano is hanging on, almost as if she knows we need her. She can't leave us.

Kidnapped by Little MixOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora