Chapter 11- Breaking Point

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-Perrie's POV-

My eyes shoot open, my breathing heavy. I stop myself from screaming, covering my mouth.

"It was just a dream, Perrie." I tell myself quietly, sitting up.

Damn nightmares! Or more like flashbacks.

I look at the digital clock and focus on the red numbers. It's only 2:30 in the morning.

I slowly slide out of the soft bed, my feet hitting to carpeted floor.

Luckily for me, I'm not in the middle of Jade and Leigh.

I blink a few times, getting used to the sudden dizziness.

I stumble into the loo, looking in the mirror.

My hair is going in every different direction imaginable! I look like Albert Einstein!

I decide it's way to early to take a shower, and pick up my brush.

I wince as I pull the brush through my hair, feeling it pull roughly.

I continue murdering my scalp, yanking the small brush through my crazy hair.

"Screw this!" I whisper in frustration, turning on the faucet.

I manage to get most of my hair wet, which flattens it out.

I grab a towel and wrap it around my head, turning the faucet off in the process.

I rub the towel against my head, hoping it'll dry my hair slightly.

Suddenly, I hear a yell, a scream almost!

I freeze, slowly pulling the towel off my head. My hair falls to my neck, making even more goosebumps rise.

A tiptoe out of the loo, looking to make sure the other girls are still asleep.

When I see that they are, I slowly walk over to the door.

I grab a key card off the small table, just in case the door does decide to lock behind me, which I highly doubt it will. Better to be safe than sorry.

I slowly open the door, hearing the slight creaking of the rusty hinges.

I shut it again slowly, stepping onto the hardwood floor. My bare feet begin to get cold, but I don't care right now.

I carefully step down the wooden stairs, making sure not to make any noise.

Why would some one be screaming at almost 3:00 in the morning?

I reach the last step, and I hesitantly step onto the tiled floor in the main room.

I see a few people walk through the kitchen door, so I dash back up the stairs.

I hide in the corner, crouching down into the shadows.

Jarod walks into the main room, falling to the floor in tears.

His dad is right behind him, trying to calm him down.

"Son, I know it's difficult, but you can't just go after him!" Mr. Caprihano says, but Jarod pushes him away.

"I'm going after him, I don't care if I get hurt!" Jarod yells before getting up and storming out the door.

Mr. Caprihano looks up and sees me, and I shy away.

"Perrie... Come down her." He whispers, and I slowly walk down the wooden stairs.

"What's wrong with Jarod?" I ask, feeling a sudden wave of fear.

"He's after Hunter. He's gone mad!" He exclaims, and I want to go back to bed now. I don't want to know this.

"He's gonna get himself killed!" I cry, paralyzed in fear.

"Go to bed, alright dear. We can deal with this in the morning." He tells me, but we don't have time to waste.

"No we can't. He's after Hunter now." I point out, brainstorming on how to stop this.

"We can't just leave everyone here." Mr. Caprihano argues, but he has a point.

"Me and the girls will take over, you go after him. Please." I suggest, and he sighs.

"Alright. I promise I'll be back, no matter what." He replies hesitantly, hugging me lightly. "We'll both come back."


A/N: Sorry guys, I know this update probably sucks. The next chapter will be longer. Promise! Writers block is whooping my butt, so hopefully you still like it anyways and thank you for reading this.

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